View Full Version : Does your GH2 do this?

Brian Luce
July 2nd, 2011, 01:30 AM
So I noticed two of my GH2's have about 1/32" (or something like that) of play back and forth when they're locked into the body. It happens with panny lenses, oly lenses, and my ebay adaptors. I have a 3rd GH2 that's a back up body -- rarely used, it doesn't do it. I don't lens swap all that much and I'm wondering if anyone else has a tiny bit of lens play in the mount. I haven't observed any light leak and maybe it's always been that way and I'm just now noticing.

Eric Stemen
July 2nd, 2011, 08:38 AM
Yeah, mine has done that since I've had it. I wouldn't worry about it.

I very rarely do get an error that says something like T"he lens isn't connected to the body" or something like that. So maybe there should have been a higher quality control check at the factory. Hopefully the GH3 won't have this also.

On a plus, The lugs on the GH2 still seem tight since December.