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Stephen J. Williams
July 1st, 2011, 07:35 PM
Nicole & Joe on Vimeo


Don Bloom
July 1st, 2011, 08:31 PM
Nicely done as usual but your ending ring shot was killer. How many times did you have to do that?


Stephen J. Williams
July 2nd, 2011, 06:47 PM
Hey Don... Thanks for checking it out.... Actually that was the backup ring shot and it took me 3 or 4 times to get a spin that I was happy with. I once sunk the rings that were floating on a leaf into the darkness of a small fountain. Thats been my best ring shot yet... I've been trying to beat or duplicate it ever-since.


Don Bloom
July 2nd, 2011, 10:46 PM
hmmm, sunk the rings? I hope you got them back! ;-)

Today I tried the spinning ring shot. Notice I said tried. After about 6 attempts I had to give up. I was getting frustrated and running out of time, plus there were 8 BMs, 2 FGs, both Moms, grandma, 2 haip and 1 makeup person and of course the bride. I figured this wasn't the place to practice the shot.

I guess I should do some practice at home.

Great shot though. Since it was the backup what was the #1 shot?

Stephen J. Williams
July 3rd, 2011, 07:22 AM
Well like I said I've been trying to duplicate the shot where I sank the rings. I tried this again but I couldn't get the lighting the way I wanted it (the light kept traveling all the way to bottom of the fountain, it was only 6 or 8 inches deep). The first time I pulled this shot of it was a little deeper, maybe a little over a foot... It sounds risky but I assure you it wasn't.

AS for the spin... You'll get the hang of it. When it doesn't spin right I'll just roll it past the brides ring. Sometimes I get a grooms rings with stones inside, then I'm SOL.

I found the best time for me to do a ring shot is at the reception. Usually you have some better things to work with as far as a background setting or even furniture to set it on. There's usually more time to get the shot your looking for as well.

Best of luck,


Stelios Christofides
July 5th, 2011, 07:32 AM
I also loved the last shot as well as the whole clip. Well done.


Michael Simons
July 5th, 2011, 12:06 PM
hey Stephen. Nice job. You were up here in my neck of the woods. Chris Garrow as the DJ and Carrie Kozak as the photog...2 great people. That window at English Manor is always difficult to shoot into.

Stephen J. Williams
July 6th, 2011, 01:41 PM
Hey Mike,

Yes sir, I did a little name dropping and mentioned you when I first met them... They said good things as expected. Yeah, I wasn't digging the window either, but what can you do...

Thanks Stelios for taking the time to watch...