View Full Version : Review of Quyen Le's Letus35

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Quyen Le
September 27th, 2005, 11:55 AM

I didn't start this thread and you don't have to say sorry to me. If you want to say sorry, say it to Mr. Ben Winter.

There is a good achromat that can help improving the Letus35. Anchoroptics part number AX32559 or AX75238. What you need to do is remove the glass of the macro lens on the Letus35. Place this achromat in with the flat side facing GG, the curve side to the camera. There will be some gap there between the ring and the achromat, fill it with glue. Clean the glue that sticking out above the ring then put it back in place, it will improve the unit greatly. Hope this helps, thanks.


Craig Bellaire
September 27th, 2005, 12:16 PM
Have you added one of these to your adapter now?

Greg Bates
September 27th, 2005, 12:30 PM
Not only that but I am a loyal adapterplace customer.

Craig Bellaire
September 27th, 2005, 12:37 PM
I might be as soon as he fixes the GG and the PCX...

Quyen Le
September 27th, 2005, 01:27 PM
I start shipping out the new achromat on recent orders. I do charge $50 more for a unit. Because of back log, some order will be delayed as much as 1 week. I will also look into the PCX to see if I can find a better replacement. I think our GG is up to the task now and I don't feel it needs any improvement at this time unless our betatesters or customers can prove that I am wrong. Thank you for all your inputs.


Ben Winter
September 27th, 2005, 01:41 PM
Wow...I haven't looked at this thread for a long, long Definately didn't think this would explode into a 14 page discussion.

Anyway, I really can't complain with the achromat I have now but of course you guys have a higher need for quality.

I feel it needs a rod system to support it

It's a careful balance. If you don't use a rod system, you need to make sure the adapter is light enough so there isn't unnecessary strain on the threads and camera, but heavy enough so it's inertial mass allows the adapter to stay still when pulling focus. I originally thought the adater was shaky, but then I realized that my tripod simply allowed a slight amount of shake. Holding the camera steady while pulling focus fixes a lot.

Needless to say, there's a lot of people jumping on the bandwagon for building these devices and selling them commercially. We've got this SG35 (what is this one again?), the G35, the Letus35, Wayne's spinning ground glass one (is that the SG35?) and a multitude of already semi-pro machined adapters like the Micro35, that German/Swedish deal (that big long aluminum tube), the MovieCine or whatever that is, then the Mini35, the Pro35, and now my own adapter, the FifteenPlusTwentyEquals35. Is there no end?!

So many of these adapters are "still in production" I feel like a good 2 or 3 of them will just end up being a waste of time. People will sift through the choices and find the one that costs the least and has the sharpest picture, and the rest will lay by the wayside. What needs to happen here is a shift in quality: The homemade adapters need to cater to different budget levels if they plan on making any money. A person faced with a choice of 3 different adapters that cost [about] the same are going to get mighty detailed in terms of performance, and then it gets ugly--they start paying attention to the smallest complaint a reviewer might give. Vibrating, rotating, static, or which ones support which lenses, which has the sharpest picture or best light transmittance or weight or support systems--all are going to be a medly of difficult choices and everyone's going to be scrutinized to the finest detail so the buyer can squeeze out every penny. I mean, I guess I'm saying 'good luck', but whew...this sucks.

Lloyd Choi
September 29th, 2005, 11:44 AM
Hey Obin- could you post a picture of your rod system?


Craig Bellaire
September 29th, 2005, 12:33 PM
I ordered my adapter yesterday and forgot to ask what size is the camera side of the adapter thread is for I get a step up ring... thanks

Lloyd Choi
September 29th, 2005, 12:41 PM
58mm I believe...

Kin Kwan
October 1st, 2005, 09:58 AM
I'm actually trying to buy one of these adapters, but the website,, seems to be down. Is it only my computer or is there something wrong with the website? I would really like to get one asap! Also, how long does it take for one to receive the adapter after placing their order?


Marius Luessi
October 1st, 2005, 10:31 AM
What you need to do is remove the glass of the macro lens on the Letus35. Place this achromat in with the flat side facing GG, the curve side to the camera.

Wouldn't that make the achromat lens stick out so far as to touch the cam's lens?

Craig Bellaire
October 1st, 2005, 10:32 AM
Well I'm not sure BUT you can e-mail Quyen Le "quyentle at"

He's the best and very good about resoinding to e-mails...

Quyen Le... I have a question... After I get my adapter in I might have to see if you can make one for a camera we have at work. BUT it uses 1/2 chips. It's a full size camera. I'm also not sure of the size image it might need yet. I'll get back to ya... Just thought I'd give you a heads up.... MAybe this is the start of the Letus35 PRO?

Quyen Le
October 1st, 2005, 10:58 AM
Sorry that my website is down. I have submit a ticket to the web hosting, hope it's up soon.


The curve on the achromat is not that bad. You don't need to put the achromat all the way down to the ring, you can use something to space it before applying glue if touching the cam's lens is your problem.

Craig Bellaire

Do you mean making one that connect to the camera's body?



Marius Luessi
October 1st, 2005, 11:07 AM
Marius, The curve on the achromat is not that bad. You don't need to put the achromat all the way down to the ring, you can use something to space it before applying glue if touching the cam's lens is your problem.

Ah, okay thanks for fast response.
You mention two different achromats. Is one better than the other? From what I can tell the only difference is the outside dimension.

Quyen Le
October 1st, 2005, 11:11 AM
They are basicly the same quality. Cardboard mod is also needed to increase image quality, thanks.


Chad Schultz
October 1st, 2005, 12:10 PM
What is the Cardboard Mod?
I thought I'd read them all.

Glen Hurd
October 1st, 2005, 01:46 PM
here you go (4th post down)


Craig Bellaire
October 1st, 2005, 01:47 PM
We have a evw-300 3 chip Hi 8 camera. It has 1/2 chips and 800 lines of resolution. We use it to run into a dvcam deck for a 3 hour shoot. Anyway the camera lens has a macro on it... So the adapter I would think would go in front of the camera lens just like the 1/3 inch cameras or mini dv cameras.. I'll check into it a bit more next week...