View Full Version : What do you see?

Bill Ward
June 30th, 2011, 09:05 AM
Perhaps a dumb question, but:

When you transfer an SxS card to the Nexto, then hook up the Nexto to the computer to download, do you see the entire BPAV folder...or something else? What about a 2nd or 3rd card before offload? All in the same single BPAV folder, or multiple folders for each card?

Dave Sperling
June 30th, 2011, 08:45 PM
For each card you transfer, the NEXTO creates a new folder (the name is based on date and the number of the card for that day.)
As an example, today is june 30, 2011, so the first card transferred would be placed in a new folder named 20110630.000 (based on YYYYMMDD.###). The second card transferred today would go into 20110630.001, and so on...
For the case of SxS cards, within this folder you will find the BPAV folder and all of its sub-folders.
Thus you could presumably have up to 999 cards transferred on a given date before you ran into trouble (though you would most likely run out of hard disc space before then.)
Thous when the NEXTO is connected to the computer, you can either select all the folders you wish to transfer and do so, or copy the BPAV folder to an indviidually named empty folder elsewhere.
The NEXTO does not try (nor should it!) to combine the BPAV's subfolders from numerous cards. If you wish to combine BPAV folders, you should do so with XDcam EX clip browser.
Dave S

Bill Ward
July 1st, 2011, 07:08 AM

Perfect, thx!