View Full Version : Project manager trimmed project error

Patrik Vale
June 29th, 2011, 07:19 AM
I am using Premiere CS5, and when I go to project manager and try to "Create New Trimmed Project" it starts and then I get following error:

"There was a problem copying or trimming the following \\....\..file loaction. Plase make sure you have enough disk space and that you have the correct user privileges to complete the operation."

I have enough space on all of my HDDs, and also tried opening premiere as administrator.

I tried this with 2 different projects and the fact is that error comes up with .MOV files that were rendered from after effects.

Thank you for help

Bart Walczak
June 29th, 2011, 11:14 AM
You're not alone, Patrik. Project manager is unfortunately quite unable to resolve some codecs, and instead of proactively telling you that it won't be able to trim some of the files, it throws an error in the middle of operation. I've had it happen with huffyuv as well. The only solution I found was to make off-line the problematic files, and copy them by hand.