Darin Boville
June 27th, 2011, 06:15 PM
I see Larry Jordon has a series, MacProVideo has one, Ripple...
Anyone wish to offer a capsule review of any of these (or others?)
I'm sure many people from many perspectives would find the info useful. For my part I'm looking for something for a single-man outfit, used FCS at a low level. Thought this would be a good opportunity to dive in a bit deeper.
Charles Newcomb
June 27th, 2011, 07:50 PM
I looked at both, bought the Larry Jordan one... only because it's got a lot more content.
He does a decent job, if you don't mind him constantly repeating his name even though it's imprinted on every chapter, or the birdies quietly chirping in the background, or his frequent use of feigned laughter. I feel like I got my $99.00 worth. It's helped me through the process.
David Parks
June 27th, 2011, 08:20 PM
Webcast with Scott Simmons. The webcast is free and I think $15 for a archive copy.
I plan on watching it.
Nigel Barker
June 27th, 2011, 11:59 PM
I like Larry Jordan's teaching & will probably buy his lessons in time but have just bought the Ripple training as a quick introduction as it is just $39.99. Steve Martin is an excellent teacher too.
Mathieu Ghekiere
June 28th, 2011, 03:28 AM
I bought the Ripple Training one. I've only seen 4 of the movies, but until now I find it a bit too much focused to consumers at this point (I know that a firewire camera most of the time is only DV and HDV, I don't need it explained - just tell me that I can import from Firewirebased DV and HDV camera's and not from other formats). I maybe searched more of a 'coming from FCP' tutorial. The quality of the tutorials itself are fine.
I also just don't like everything that I'm seeing in regards to media management in FCP X.
Is the Larry Jordan one better?
To be honest, I don't know if I should spend another 100 dollar at a tutorial, making my expense for this program 540 dollars, while still not knowing if it's 'worth it'.
Olof Ekbergh
June 28th, 2011, 07:18 AM
I got Larry Jordan's course and I like it, it brought me up to speed pretty quickly.
There really is a lot of hard to find features in FCPX, and this is a very painless way to find them.
Lynda.com will soon have tutorials as well, so if you subscribe to that service you may want to wait.
Larry only skims over effects, but it lays a base understanding so you can easily explore more. Nothing on CC, except where it is. He has new tutorials (more $$$) coming on CC and effects.
I would recommend LJ's vids as a good investment that saves days of trial and frustration.
Ray Sigmond
June 28th, 2011, 07:20 AM
MacProVideo has a FCP X Tutorial with Michael Wohl.
Tutorial-Video Library - macProVideo.com (http://www.macprovideo.com/tutorials/final+cut+pro+x-suite)
Barry Gribble
June 28th, 2011, 06:11 PM
I haven't gone through these, but I looked a little bit and it looked good... and free... and over two hours worth.
Final Cut Pro X Tutorial, Web-Based and Totally Free! | Izzy Video (http://www.izzyvideo.com/final-cut-pro-x-tutorial/)