View Full Version : Sony HX9v forum
Johnnie Behiri June 22nd, 2011, 12:46 PM Dear Chris.
Please consider a forum for this little camera.
It might prove to be an extremely interesting and popular camera.
Dave Blackhurst June 22nd, 2011, 04:23 PM I'd second that request as well for a forum dedicated to P&S video, the newest Sonys take some pretty good video at frame rates most video cameras don't!
Not sure where you'd put it, there are a couple of threads dedicated to pocket cameras and stills, but they are encroaching on the territory of video pretty agressively now! I sooner grab a pocket size point and shoot than a video camera anymore... does what I need most of the time, and less hassle!
Philip Lipetz June 23rd, 2011, 05:51 AM +1
The camera you have with you always better than the camera at home. besides it is not that bad in decent light. Just reduce exposure and use special modes.
Glenn Thomas July 6th, 2011, 08:33 AM True, the smaller cameras are great. To date I've shot 9 or 10 videos on a Canon S95. A few of these of these at night, one in a big studio and another bluescreen video. I'm really impressed with the chromakey capabilities of the S95, and for low light shooting too.
There are limited controls on these little cameras, but when the footage looks so good, who cares!
John McCully July 6th, 2011, 03:33 PM I recently acquired a Sony CX700V video camera that also shoots decent stills and a Sony HX100V still camera with a 30x Carl Zeiss lens that also shoots very decent video and while neither camera is about to completely replace my EX1 they are both remarkably proficient tools to have in the kit, especially considering their cost which is minimal, and the quality of the captured footage, unthinkable from such ‘toys’ just a short time ago.
For wildlife shooters the long reach of the HX100V coupled with its portability, weight 577 g (1.27 lb / 20.35 oz) makes possible that which was impossible where lugging weighty gear and getting close to the subject is out of the question.
And popping the 60p footage on the time line in Vegas Pro 10 along with 30p footage from the EX1 and rendering off to the EX1 template gives very satisfactory results, in my experience.
Chris Adeyefa July 13th, 2011, 07:01 AM Yes please create a forum for the HX9V its proven itself worthy definately!
Gerald OConnor July 13th, 2011, 08:56 AM A forum for the hx9v with its brother camera the hx100v would be great. just my 2 cents
Dave Blackhurst July 13th, 2011, 11:54 AM Since Sony has graced us with a number of P&S cameras capable of full HD video, and I'm sure all the other manufacturers are either working in that direction or already there (I think Sony is the only one with 1080 60p at the moment), it's very likely that these will come into use for "B cam", "crash cam" and similar uses. You can't ignore the video quality and capabilities.
My tests so far in good light are pretty impressive, and these latest ones manage to do OK in low light considering their size... the video quality of the 1080i outpur from the new CMOS is quite good, and the 60p samples I've seen certainly "keep up".
The alternatives for digital video acqusition just get smaller, cheaper, and easier to use, but the fundmentals of camera operation and workflow still apply, it might be good to begin to prepare a "place" for the people using these little pocket cameras here, where all forms of video are discussed!
And it can't hurt to remember there's also a TX100V... not a lot of lens range, but same CMOS, and full HD capability, and the TX10 "ruggedized" camera, although it's only outputting 1080i... I've gotten a lot of use out of the TX series cameras because they are so easy to take everywhere...
Matt Sharp July 13th, 2011, 08:50 PM I have a TX10 and it's video is astonishing for such a tiny little camera. That being said, there's only EV compensation and scene modes to choose from while in Video mode. Not a whole lot to discuss.
Dave Blackhurst July 14th, 2011, 12:14 AM yeah, prolly why they call it a "point" and "shoot"...
Colin Rowe July 23rd, 2011, 03:24 AM I noticed pretty quickly that the lens is pretty loose on my HX9, at full extension there is a lot of play in it. If wiggled it almost rattles. Has anyone else noticed this, or do I need a replacement ?