View Full Version : field blend minimised on 50i>25p/24p to ntsc

Owen Meek
August 22nd, 2005, 03:29 AM
reading quite a bit on some old posts on dvi about converting 60i to 24p causing some irregular field blending issues most noticable on lcd as oppsed to tv, however considering the recent influx of lcd tv's has made the question more valid.

since i am working in pal land with 50i, my question, can field blend be minimised on 50i to 25p conversion (or 24p if it makes it to theater) when compared to ntsc?
my comparason to ntsc because of all the posts i have read with people using ntsc cams.

also, slightly moving to another topic, why is the most prevailent word "pitch shifting" to accomodate different formats, pal, ntsc, film?
is there any reason why we cant time compress the audio?

thanks for any light on the topic,