View Full Version : Ki Pro Mini - changing recording framerate

Don Greening
June 22nd, 2011, 01:34 AM
I'm shooting 23.98 this weekend with (among others) an EX3 and will have my KPM connected to this camera via SDI. I'll be darned if I can't figure out how to change the Ki Pro Mini's record setting from 29.97 to 23.98. Any hints?

- Don

Jon Thorn
June 22nd, 2011, 06:28 AM
Don G. - You don't change the Ki Pro Mini's recording, but instead change the output of the camera. The Ki Pro Mini auto-detects the format and frame rate it is receiving from the camera. The Sony PMW-EX3 defaults to a video output of 1080i 29.97 when the internal recording is 1080p 23.98. You can configure the camera to output 1080PsF 23.98. If you refer to the Sony PMW-EX3 manual, it should explain the menu selection required to output 1080PsF 23.98.

Hope this is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.

Don Greening
June 22nd, 2011, 11:30 AM
So it automatically detects the 23.98 PsF. Thanks Jon.

- Don

Jon Thorn
June 22nd, 2011, 11:40 AM
Don G. - From the Sony PMW-EX3 manual, pg. 126, in the menus for the camera:
Others>Genlock>24p system.

Likely this is set to "60i" in your current camera configuration and thus the Ki Pro Mini is seeing the output of the camera as 1080i 29.97.

If you change the setting to "24PsF" in the menu parameter of the camera, it should output 1080PsF 23.98 and be reported as this by the Ki Pro Mini.

Hope this is helpful,
Jon Thorn
Product Manager
AJA Video Systems, Inc.

Don Greening
June 22nd, 2011, 11:13 PM
I found the "24PsF System" in the Genlock menu just as you described it. Thanks for that. With my EX1R the 24PsF is available within the recording format menu, so it's a bit more easily found. I'll be using both cameras for the next several days along with 2 other EX1 shooters but alas, I only have one Ki Pro Mini. I suppose it's better to have one camera shooting ProRes than none at all.


- Don