View Full Version : Vegas Pro 10 CTI won't move

Rick Pugsley
June 13th, 2011, 01:21 PM
My copy of Vegas Pro 10 started delaying when "Play" was clicked before the clip on the timeline played. Now the CTI will not advance at all when clicking "Play". This occurs on all clips. Have I flipped a switch in the software pr something? A re-install has not changed the behavior.
Many thanks for any help on the issue


Dustin Moore
June 13th, 2011, 01:30 PM
Is there a chance your sound output device is not functioning? I use firewire
boxes for audio playback and if there is anything at all wrong with them, Vegas
won't play and often does not produce an error message.

I usually go into control panel and make sure Windows can play the error beep
through the speakers before further debugging. Might even go to the Audio Devices
tab in Vegas setup and try other options.

Rick Pugsley
June 13th, 2011, 01:34 PM
Dustin, your advice is spot on, Problem solved, I had unplugged my audio device. I had no idea Vegas would not play a video with no sound enabled. Anyway, thanks for your astute and timely suggestion.,


David Jimerson
June 13th, 2011, 02:02 PM
This happens whether or not the sound device is working, too. I've encountered it numerous times; it appears to be a bona fide Vegas 10 bug.

Usually, closing and reopening the project clears it up.