Ian Slessor
June 10th, 2011, 03:26 PM
Hey all,
I'm cutting in Vegas Pro 10 and had all my ducks in a row for DVD creation.
Video rendered to mpg2 and audio in ac3 in Vegas 10.
I drop it into DVDA 5+ and it processes until the very end and gives me the following error.
WARNING: An error occurred while writing a file. Invalid data was encountered when processing an MPEG file.
I've rerendered the footage 4 times now in Vegas 10 and each time I drop it into DVDA I get that message.
I even went back and rendered out in Vegas Pro 8 instead thinking 10 was giving me issues AND did DVD prep in original DVDA 5 but still that damned error!
I took a project I'd done a couple of weeks ago ran it through DVDA and it prepped fine so clearly there's an issue with this file and I don't know why.
Frankly it's frustrating.
All naming conventions have been followed for that file (mpg2 & ac3 have same name)
This is a long file with compression that, frankly, has me thinking of putting it on 2 discs.
Show is 2hours 36 minutes and I'm rendering at an average bitrate of 3,400,000 with max set at 8,000,000 and min at 3,000,000.
The mpg2 file DOES play in Windows Media player so I'm unsure what's going on.
Any ideas?
I've been doing this for 7 years and this is the first time I've had any serious issues.
I'm cutting in Vegas Pro 10 and had all my ducks in a row for DVD creation.
Video rendered to mpg2 and audio in ac3 in Vegas 10.
I drop it into DVDA 5+ and it processes until the very end and gives me the following error.
WARNING: An error occurred while writing a file. Invalid data was encountered when processing an MPEG file.
I've rerendered the footage 4 times now in Vegas 10 and each time I drop it into DVDA I get that message.
I even went back and rendered out in Vegas Pro 8 instead thinking 10 was giving me issues AND did DVD prep in original DVDA 5 but still that damned error!
I took a project I'd done a couple of weeks ago ran it through DVDA and it prepped fine so clearly there's an issue with this file and I don't know why.
Frankly it's frustrating.
All naming conventions have been followed for that file (mpg2 & ac3 have same name)
This is a long file with compression that, frankly, has me thinking of putting it on 2 discs.
Show is 2hours 36 minutes and I'm rendering at an average bitrate of 3,400,000 with max set at 8,000,000 and min at 3,000,000.
The mpg2 file DOES play in Windows Media player so I'm unsure what's going on.
Any ideas?
I've been doing this for 7 years and this is the first time I've had any serious issues.