Michael Hendzel
June 10th, 2011, 11:09 AM
So I'm in a bit of a pickle and I was hoping for some guidance. I edit on Final Cut Express and I just got the XF100. The Canon software only works with FCP (unless I'm missing something). With Final Cut X just around the corner I don't want to get a copy of FCP. Does anyone have a temporary solution until I can get Final Cut X? I also don't want to mess up the picture quality.
I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts.
PS This is my first post so please don't shoot me...
Nigel Barker
June 10th, 2011, 01:02 PM
You should be able to use the free application MPEG Streamclip to convert the MXF files to AIC ClipWrap (http://www.divergentmedia.com/clipwrap). Alternatively the $49.95 ClipWrap which re-wraps the files to QuickTime .MOV should do it faster & you can try out the free trial. ClipWrap (http://www.divergentmedia.com/clipwrap)
The only problem with both these solutions is that the MXF files are recorded in maximum 2GB chunks however if you use Log & Transfer in FCP with the Canon plug-in for XF camcorders then L&T "understands" that a single clip may in fact be multiple files but will import as a single clip. Using MPEG Streamclip or ClipWrap will just allow you to import the 2GB files one by one & you will have to match up multiple files by hand.
FCP X should be delivered in the next 21 days:-)