View Full Version : Super 8 ROCKS.

Bill Davis
June 10th, 2011, 12:10 AM
Just got back from a sneek of Super 8.

This is going to be a box office MONSTER this summer.

The Spielberg/Abrams combo embodies BIG DOSES of the magic of Steven's early movies - coupled with just the right amount of the slightly more risky modern approach to movie making that has become Abrams specialty.

Are there flaws? Sure. On reflection, I get that some scenes and effects were lifted nearly intact from other movies that the team either admired or originally created - but even stuff like the obligatory explosion fests sprinkled throughout - were usually bookended with story elements and moments that honestly surprised me.

To my eyes, this is a movie that exceeds the sum of it's parts. Easy to deconstruct and poke at. But if you go early enough before it's main secrets are revealed, you'll find yourself watching something that careens back and forth between large and small, personal and spectacular, fun and threatening - even silly and serious - and that if you enjoy movies at all, Super8's imperfections will be submerged in many, MANY layers of what good movies are all about.

You'll find characters that you'll likely recognize from your own experiences. A time that reads right (if you are old enough to remember the 1970s!) and a story told so engagingly that it seems terribly petty to spend much time poking fun at what Super 8 isn't - when you're having so much fun enjoying what it is.

My 2 cent's anyway.

Michael Wisniewski
June 10th, 2011, 06:05 AM
I agree with you, I had a great feeling of satisfaction at the end, I don't think everyone will, especially now that we've given it a glowing review ... but I was awash in that Speilbergian magic when the movie ended. It is definitely more than the sum of it's parts. Like many movies of it's kind, it feels like a really well done B movie, just done right!

Two things I loved:

1. It was very simply told, almost a throwback to the older 70's style of storytelling, no fancy schmancy camera moves, I don't remember any non-static shots, I get the feeling they were there, but if they were they were so much a part of the story, I never noticed.

2 I loved the very strong focus on the characters and their relationships so strong that I was way more interested in what was happening to the relationship of the characters, than what some special effects might to do TO them. I can barely remember the special effects but relationships between the characters still leaves me with a fuzzy glow.

Warren Kawamoto
July 4th, 2011, 09:31 PM
My wife and I saw it last week, and loved it too!

Sara Thompson
September 6th, 2011, 12:58 AM
Ah - I definitely have to see it! So far my friends are kind of very diverse on their opinions. Some loved it and some hated it... and I am the only one of them who hasn't seen it so far because of an incredibly ridiculous amount of work^^ but I will see it this week - I swore to myself I will! :D

Henrik Holmberg
September 7th, 2011, 01:12 PM
Yes, it was good.
If I have to nitpick it wasn't scary enough. But overall I enjoyed it.

Andy Graham
September 10th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Yeah i liked it, i grew up with the goonies and this had that similar feel to it, i can imagine it would be good to watch as a kid.