Bill Bruner
June 8th, 2011, 02:42 AM
So who needs a fast lens when the camera can produce beautiful images in the dark? ;-)
Dustin Moore
June 8th, 2011, 05:58 AM
Well, I'd expect at f/3.5 the lens would be somewhat smaller. If they want to just
rehouse an old design, at least give us f/2.8. The old sigma f/1.4 30mm was less than
2.5 inches thick (not counting flange distance difference between nex and EOS).
They may have spent most of the housing on the mechanism that allows the floating
group to move around when it comes time to macro.
Jon Braeley
June 8th, 2011, 07:09 AM
A macro for $250.....!!! What is not to like... with emount.
I just bought Sony's E-mount 16mm 2.8 lens, brand new on ebay for $165.
The lens choice is exactly why I bought this camera.