Andris Krastins
June 7th, 2011, 04:35 AM
Deconstructing Rapture
His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!'
Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."
(The Gospel of Thomas:113)
Welcome to a very surreal take on the "instructional video" theme!
I took up this challenge with the added bonus that I didn't want this to be a traditional instructional video and yet it had to be instructional to fit the theme. Therefore I feel a need for a more elaborate explanation as follows.
In the light of the recent events with many people awaiting rapture or God's final justice in the USA and since those events will still happen in the future, as they have in the past, I felt the need for an instructional video in Christian faith intended to all those Christians falling prey to doom's-dayers and their interpretation of the holy scriptures, i.e., to propose that, according to scriptures and my interpretation, the rapture has already happened, and, indeed, is happening all around us as we speak, it is eternal and outside of time.
I turned to a source that has sometimes been overlooked - the Gospel of Thomas ( as it was found in the Dead Sea scrolls. A very ancient early Christian writing (more information (
If I remember correctly, the gospel wasn't included in the Bible because the Romans didn't find it suitable for a state organized religion and the control of populace.
As well as a few other of my ideas regarding people and religion which you may or may not perceive from the film. :)
A confession: I really love surreal and experimental films. I agree that film form should be different from stage, painting, literally and other art forms, it shouldn't try to duplicate them.
I also agree that:
What has been most responsible for the lack of development of the cinematic idiom is the emphatic literacy of our age. So accustomed are we to thinking in terms of the continuity-logic of the literary narrative that the narrative pattern has come to completely dominate cinematic expression in spite of the fact that it is, basically, a visual form. We overlook the fact that painting, for instance, is organized in visual logics, or that music is organized in tonal-rhythmic logics; that there are visual and auditory experiences which have nothing to do with the descriptive narrative.
(Maya Deren. Essential Deren: Collected writings on film by Maya Deren. p.27)
I shot this film with Canon XHA1 in a weeks time in various locations with the help of 3 friends.
Because I don't have a car I used only my bike and public transport, so I couldn't get my tripod everywhere where I wanted.
In an unfortunate accident I lost my Rode shotgun during the shooting of one of the scenes, I suspect very much it was stolen. :( But a friend has already agreed to lend me some money for a new mic, so it's not all that bad.
I edited the film in one day with Sony Vegas 9.
I remixed the soundtrack using two songs from (creative commons) and used a few sound samples from
With the permission of the DVC organisers I used a few seconds of public domain archival footage of WWII Japan.
As always I wish a few scenes would have looked better, but that is always the case.
(Not) Suggestion
When watching the video please don't constrain yourselves with logical explanations or structural expectations, because this work is more in the field of (good or bad) visual poetry than drama.
That said not in any way do I suggest that you should, for any reason, like or respect my chosen form or not judge my (un)professional (in)cababilities because of that form.
p.s. I'm really looking forward to seeing all your submissions!
His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!'
Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."
(The Gospel of Thomas:113)
Welcome to a very surreal take on the "instructional video" theme!
I took up this challenge with the added bonus that I didn't want this to be a traditional instructional video and yet it had to be instructional to fit the theme. Therefore I feel a need for a more elaborate explanation as follows.
In the light of the recent events with many people awaiting rapture or God's final justice in the USA and since those events will still happen in the future, as they have in the past, I felt the need for an instructional video in Christian faith intended to all those Christians falling prey to doom's-dayers and their interpretation of the holy scriptures, i.e., to propose that, according to scriptures and my interpretation, the rapture has already happened, and, indeed, is happening all around us as we speak, it is eternal and outside of time.
I turned to a source that has sometimes been overlooked - the Gospel of Thomas ( as it was found in the Dead Sea scrolls. A very ancient early Christian writing (more information (
If I remember correctly, the gospel wasn't included in the Bible because the Romans didn't find it suitable for a state organized religion and the control of populace.
As well as a few other of my ideas regarding people and religion which you may or may not perceive from the film. :)
A confession: I really love surreal and experimental films. I agree that film form should be different from stage, painting, literally and other art forms, it shouldn't try to duplicate them.
I also agree that:
What has been most responsible for the lack of development of the cinematic idiom is the emphatic literacy of our age. So accustomed are we to thinking in terms of the continuity-logic of the literary narrative that the narrative pattern has come to completely dominate cinematic expression in spite of the fact that it is, basically, a visual form. We overlook the fact that painting, for instance, is organized in visual logics, or that music is organized in tonal-rhythmic logics; that there are visual and auditory experiences which have nothing to do with the descriptive narrative.
(Maya Deren. Essential Deren: Collected writings on film by Maya Deren. p.27)
I shot this film with Canon XHA1 in a weeks time in various locations with the help of 3 friends.
Because I don't have a car I used only my bike and public transport, so I couldn't get my tripod everywhere where I wanted.
In an unfortunate accident I lost my Rode shotgun during the shooting of one of the scenes, I suspect very much it was stolen. :( But a friend has already agreed to lend me some money for a new mic, so it's not all that bad.
I edited the film in one day with Sony Vegas 9.
I remixed the soundtrack using two songs from (creative commons) and used a few sound samples from
With the permission of the DVC organisers I used a few seconds of public domain archival footage of WWII Japan.
As always I wish a few scenes would have looked better, but that is always the case.
(Not) Suggestion
When watching the video please don't constrain yourselves with logical explanations or structural expectations, because this work is more in the field of (good or bad) visual poetry than drama.
That said not in any way do I suggest that you should, for any reason, like or respect my chosen form or not judge my (un)professional (in)cababilities because of that form.
p.s. I'm really looking forward to seeing all your submissions!