View Full Version : Vegas pro 10d locking up

Joe Kollee
June 6th, 2011, 08:54 PM
I noticed Vegas pro, locking up, sending a report to ms, and basically just closing.

Since I rather hate when my machine does things like this, I took to trying to figure out why. What I have come up with, is media player. Media player in windows 7 tends to cache the files, and that locks them. If you want to test this, play a mp3 or video in wmp, and then close it. Try to rename that file and it says it is in use or you dont have permission. ( something along those lines ) Today, I came across a file video clip and as soon as I tried to put it on the time line, vegas crashed. I re-started vegas, and it would crash again. Once I end tasked wmp and all of its sub components ( I think there is a wmp gadget file too ) vegas took the file like nothing happened.

I un-installed windows media player, and will give it a good testing.

My system, is a dual xeon x5650 with 12gigs, with 10tb mirrored hdds, using dual monitors, one with 10bit colour nec pa241w, with dual video cards both nvidia, one a quatro 2000 with display link and the other 460gtx for the timeline. Running windows 7 64bit.

I thought I would share this with anyone else who may be having a similar issue, so they could try it and report back, maybe it is just a fluke...

Jeff Harper
June 6th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it may help someone.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
June 6th, 2011, 11:50 PM
I've started using VLC Media Player as my default player - much smoother and doesn't try to take over the computer!
I'd noticed WMP doing a lot of things in the background and using up shedloads of memory for no apparent reason.

Ian Stark
June 7th, 2011, 12:54 AM
I have also ditched WMP in favour of VLC (for over a year now) but I have to report that I still get crashes in Vegas 10 :-(

It's a very interesting theory, though, and it would be good to know if anyone else benefits from your suggestion.

Harry Simpson
June 7th, 2011, 11:20 AM
Welp it's not just a Windows 7 issue and I just last night switched to Windows 7 from Vista Home Premium since I'd heard Vegas works better with Windows 7. I've not had time to try Vegas Pro 10d under Windows 7 but sure hope it's a better experience. Yes I upgraded to Pro 10.0d and my first use involved many crashes as you've described. Are we the only folks experiencing this. My box is not nearly the powerhouse you're running there so it must be something in the software that's buggy or not playing well with something else.

I was really hoping that the Windows 7 upgrade would make Vegas Pro 10d more stable. I still need to spend the time to compose a ticket to send to Sony but split duties taking stills lately.

Ron German
June 10th, 2011, 09:47 AM
I get crashes in Vegas 10d everytime I try to open and increase timeline area with a 90`project with Cineform (Neoscene or Neo) + Sony MXF + JPEG photo codecs (35mbits/s).
Vegas 9e doesn`show this behavior.
But with both versions I can`t render the full project. There are always a failure.
Windows 7professional
Intel dual core 2 / 3Gherz processor