View Full Version : Copy raw XDCAM clips to harddisk as backup
Luc De Wandel June 2nd, 2011, 03:27 AM I'm thinking of selling my PDW-U1 reader-writer, but I first have to copy the content of all my XDCAM disks to a hard disk. I've tried this, and when I copy only the 'clip' file from the disk directory (see pic) to the hard disk, and then mount this file to the desktop, FCP cam import the clips via 'import' and 'XDCAM'. No problem so far.
Image and sound are OK this way, but my question is: are there any other files in the directory that I should copy for editing purposes? I don't need metadata or proxy's.
Paul Cronin June 2nd, 2011, 09:49 AM Luc are you using the new XDCAM Browser? That is what I use for my XDCAM PMW-500 back up onto a RAID 1.
Luc De Wandel June 2nd, 2011, 10:10 AM Hi Paul,
no, I use the older XDCAM transfer software, because I tried the XDCAM browser and it looked less user friendly to me. Copying the files via 'Finder' works perfectly, but I'm not sure if I will ever need any of the other files or folders (other than 'clips') for editing purposes. As I pointed out, I don't need proxy's or metadata, I just want the original clips to be backed-up, ready to import in FCP.
By the way, I borrowed a PMW500 for a few weeks and I find the first results a little disappointing in image quality, so I want to tweak it a little to my preferences. Do you know if the detail and crispening (+ aperture) settings that Alister uses for his PMW320 also work for the PMW500?
Paul Cronin June 2nd, 2011, 10:54 AM Got it Luc,
I always back everything that is why I use XDCAM Browser.
Disappointed in the PMW-500, really? It is the same picture quality as the PDW-F800. Having owned an F800 I was very pleased the 500 is the same chip set and picture.
I would not use any settings from the 320 CMOS for the 500 CCD. As I have said many times the image on the 500/800 exceeds the 320/350 in my opinion. I know others like the CMOS look on those cameras but not me.
I would go to the Sony site and start with some of their scene files. Or buy Vortex Media F800 book that has great scene files and use that as a start for the 500.
Luc De Wandel June 2nd, 2011, 12:27 PM I just tweaked the PMW500 a little and you're right: this image surpasses everything I have ever seen (well, at least all the camera's I've tested). I initially did not turn the detail down enough and made a few other mistakes in settings. That resulted in ugly white lines around contrasty details. Corrected that and the result is fantastic. I'll be very sorry to give it back to the owner, I'm afraid.
I do like CCD's too, but I cannot afford the 500, as for me it's just a hobby. My wife already thinks I'm crazy. Well, thinks? She's 100% sure.
Paul Cronin June 2nd, 2011, 01:02 PM Glad you found a sweet spot. I think we are all a bit crazy no matter how much we make, we are just supporting the big guy.
Simon Denny June 2nd, 2011, 01:56 PM Hi Luc,
If you have any S&Q footage you have to use XDCAM Browser software. The XDCAM Transfer will not import S&Q from the 500.
I think any camera out of the box will look a bit flat and just tweaking a few settings on the 500 will see the image come alive and look fantastic. The 500 is a great production camera for all styles of shooting and I highly recommend the 500.
Luc De Wandel June 2nd, 2011, 03:36 PM Simon,
the back-up I want to make is not from the 500. It's from XDCAM disks that originated from my older PDW-F350. I'm thinking of selling the PDW-U1 that I have, and I just want to make sure I have all the necessary data, that are now on my archive of disks, backed-up. I just drag & drop now from the XDCAM folder to a folder on the back-up hard disk. But I wondered if I should copy all the files & folders (see pictures) or just the one named 'clip'. FCP recognizes the clips if I do it that way, but then again there was no Q&S footage in my test.
thanks for the help.
Gary Nattrass June 3rd, 2011, 03:51 AM Hi Luc there is also a BBC doc for the 500 that may have some good start settings:
Luc De Wandel June 3rd, 2011, 04:47 AM Thanks Gary, very interesting reading stuff as usual. There's a oldtimer car show in my neighbourhood this afternoon. Ideal to put some of these settings to the test. Of course I shouldn't get too fond of the 500, otherwise it will hurt too much to give it back...