Tyson Yoder
May 30th, 2011, 02:26 PM
Hey I just come across a Website that offers really good Music with an affordable price. I am not connected in any way with these people but thought I would just share what I found with you guys.
The Music Bed (http://www.themusicbed.com)
Jeff Harper
May 31st, 2011, 07:17 AM
Tyson, very good site, excellent music! Regardless of the even more ridiculous prices of the copyrighted music, I feel their prices are too high. 4 songs in a video would cost $240, and that is for one time use.
Excellent link, thank you for it.
William Smyth
May 31st, 2011, 07:33 AM
Wow, this is really cool. I agree with Jeff, that it could get a bit pricey, but this is certainly good news for wedding filmmakers. Now, if they would come down in price by about 50%, it would be much easier to swallow financially. -- I also believe they would sell many more tunes at that price.
Still, the site is a completely awesome idea. Thanks, Tyson.
Chris Bryan
May 31st, 2011, 09:07 AM
I find some good copyright free stuff at soundcloud.com. Also, footage firm is offering free cds of music, you just pay shipping and handling. I've used them for some stock footage in the past, and just picked up a couple of cd's so that I have some music selections when I need the copyright free stuff. Here's the link to the free stuff at footage firm: Free Production Music Collections (http://www.footagefirm.com/freeproductionmusicmay.html)