Robert McGowan
May 28th, 2011, 07:35 PM
Other than the crop factor and the difference in price if the 1D mk4 is so much better and cleaner in lowlight than the 5D mk2 why is it that there doesn't seem to be many event filmmakers using the mk4? Like many others I'm waiting for the 5D mk3 but maybe I should consider a 1D mk4 or whatever the new 1D will be once it's released. Ideas?
Mike Watson
May 28th, 2011, 09:58 PM
I assume the 2x pricetag scares away event guys. It scares me away and I do corporate/industrial. My understanding is that it buys you a slight increase in sensitivity, and you lose the 0.3x crop factor you would get with the 5D. I would rather have a 2nd 5D for that price.
If I were going to buy today, it'd be the super 35 video cam from Sony or Panny in the same pricerange.
The 5D III ... not until 2012.
Charles Papert
May 28th, 2011, 11:06 PM
I routinely shoot with the 1D at 1250, occasionally at 2500 and in a big pinch, 5000. I find it to be 1.5 to 2 stops faster than the 5D (in terms of noise of course). That makes a big difference.
I would however be hesitant to recommend it as a purchase right now, with the FS1000 looking to be even better in low light and in a similar cost ballpark...obviously a different form factor.
Wayne Avanson
May 30th, 2011, 12:27 PM
I know StillMotion use the 5D2, the 7D and the 1D4 so they cover all bases in terms of light, and sensor size.
Keith Moreau
May 30th, 2011, 12:59 PM
I had the 1D for a while as well as the 5D mk II. But I returned the 1D, just couldn't justify the $5K pricetag for slightly better noise performance on low light and fewer other advantages (full HD HDMI output is one of them for the 1D) There were also some ergonomic differences with the 1D that make it more difficult to use than the 5D, such as button locations, histogram, and the larger size. I think that perhaps the 5D with some post processing noise reduction, such as the neat video plugin, is a good alternative.
Also the previous poster about the FS100 eminent release might make some of these Canon DSLRs a bit obsolete, hard to say until it really comes out and is evaluated, also there's all the expensive canon glass we all have to consider.