View Full Version : Mismatch in music and video in FCP timeline

Sabyasachi Patra
May 25th, 2011, 05:07 AM
I have shot footage at 1080p 24fps (24.976) in my Canon Mark IV. I am getting the film edited in FCP.

An Mpeg 1 version with beeps at the start and end was given to the guy scoring the music. While trying to match the music with the editing we realised that the beeps at the end given by the music guy and editor doesn't match. Towards the middle of the film, the music started becoming out of sync. Then the music composer said that he recorded the music at 25fps. He then went back and created a new project in 24fps. Still the music and edited footage didn't match. Any idea why this happened?


David W. Jones
May 25th, 2011, 08:02 AM
Is your timeline 24 frame or 23.976?

Rob Neidig
May 25th, 2011, 01:04 PM
And did he give you a 48kHz file or a 44.1kHz file? That could also affect it if it's not being properly resampled.

Sabyasachi Patra
May 27th, 2011, 08:55 AM
In FCP the timeline was showing 23.98

I am quoting my music composer here so that you all can get a better idea of the entire process followed:

"Let me explain about the way the audio and music was created for the given video.

First with the .mpeg format video file, I imported it in Cubase 5 which made the working ground to 25fps. I have completed the music and sounds and mixdown with same. On the day I brought my audio track to the edit suite, I noticed a gradual delay was increasing with the audio track after 7 minutes of the video length. At the end beep of the video, the audio has been delayed by 1 second. When I understood that the video edit suite using FCP(Final Cut PRo) was working in 23.98fps, I went back to my place along with a 23.98fps .mov(quick time) format video file. I was surprised that if it was due to 25fps and 24fps, the time delay must have been around 25 or 30 seconds and not just 1 second. Anyway, I placed this file in the cubase after which I noticed that Cubase doesn't support 24fps.

I opened Nuendo SX3 software which supports from 23.9 till 30 fps, imported this .mov video file into nuendo. Then I scanned from the video file to set the frame per second rate for my Nuendo. When I apply set from video file, the nuendo automatically set to 23.9fps. I imported the Audio mixdown to this project before I apply change in frame per second change. Then when I apllied change according to video file, it was set to 23.9fps. Then I found that the audio track length was reduced by a second. The sync was perfect at my place. I immediately rushed to the edit suite and we imported this audio. Then there was a new problem.

The graph of the wave form was in sync with the visual beep both beginning and ending. But at the end, the sound alone was delayed by a second same like with 25fps music track. Next day I tried to export different formats of audio track, 44.1khz-16bit & 24bit, 48khz-16 & 16bit. We tried all the four formats in the edit auite, but was same. We tried in another FCP machine and resulted the same one second delayed towards the end. Most strange thing was, the audio wave form was in exact frame as the begin and end BEEP (colour bar), only the playback from the second half of the audio track was heard delayed by a second gradually."

I would appreciate to have your comments. I have been filming for the last two years and hadn't tried editing as I had thought it better to focus on filming and get the editing done by others. I had not visualised that I will face this kind of problem in my first film. The length of the edited film is 18 and half mins and the mismatch in audio started around the 7 minute mark.
