View Full Version : Sony NX5 (p,e,u) Work Flow

Dipesh Parmar
May 23rd, 2011, 01:36 AM
Hey guys, i have 3 Sony NX5P cameras, which are Australian based versions, with firmware 2.0 and CMU 1.1x, i have been using these camera's for about 7 months now. I Love them, the first few shoots i did with these camera's, i was like no way Sony has let me down, But after reading web sites fourms, Manuals, and finding out more about these camera's i LOVE them. The Key is to get to know the Camera's before shooting and also learning how to use the Tapeless products.

I use to conntect the FlashDrive FMU128 or SD Card via SD Card Reader and Letting the CMU Software join the files to a Hard Disk Drive. Then Edit. But NOW....

Work Flow that i USE with Edius 5.51 or 6.02

I Copy the Either Content of my Flash Drive 128GB to a Hard Disk Drive, or Copy from the SD Cards to a Hard Disk Drive, then USE the Software (CMU) to Join the files together. This way i have the Raw Shoot on Drive & Also i have a New Folder which is Name Joined (Which you create to join the files into), then i sse Edius to convert from AVCHD to Canopus HQ AVI Files or Canopus uncompressed AVI, and then Edit.

I Have Intel X990 CPU's with 24GB Ram, NV Q FX3800, 2 x 2TB HDD, 4 x 6TB Raid Level 6 HDD Disk Drives (Network Storage), But i Like to Convert to AVI Files as this way i do not get any Problems Viewing or Editting Files and Projects... Also Please Note, When joining files please join on a Local HDD, Network joining is Supported but large projects tends to fail in the join.

Many thanks
Does Anyone Have a Different Work Flow that would Work Better?

Ron Evans
May 23rd, 2011, 07:55 AM
I use the CMU to transfer to the hard drive on my PC. I use the FMU so just connect to the USB and transfer. I prefer this approach as it only displays and transfers clips not FAT32 files that I am not interested in at all. It is fast as I normally do theatre shows of over 2 hours which will transfer in about 12 mins giving me a file automatically named with the date and time of the shoot. I transfer into a directory I create for the show. CMU will then automatically create a folder named with the date and time the transfer took place. I then backup to a LTO3 data tape.

I also use Edius and convert to Canopus HQ for editing as my PC isn't powerful enough to edit 4 track AVCHD multitrack which is how a shoot with 4 cameras.

When I am finished all final files go into the same show directory and are backup up to the LTO3 tape. I make BLuray and SD DVD then remove all files from the PC ready for the next show. Edius project files and DVD Architect files are also on a separate backup tape as well so I could always recover from several failures.

Ron Evans

Dipesh Parmar
May 24th, 2011, 05:01 AM
What Software are you Using for Backup on the LTO 3 Drive, and in what OS... i Need to Get a Windows Based Software Backup System so that i can Buy a LTO 5, But all Backup Software is for Server Right?

Ron Evans
May 24th, 2011, 06:59 AM
I use Retrospect 7.7 Professional for Windows. Roxio Retrospect - Powerful Easy-To-Use Data Protection ( The LTO4 is the next speed drive up from my LTO3 and is reasonably priced too, twice the capacity of the LTO3 . I think its about $1500 in Canada. My Quantum HH LTO3 was about $1100 Can when I bought it some years ago. IT backs up at about 65MBps which is about as fast as a single 7200rpm drive will sustain. It will recover at the same speed too since the limit is the hard drive. It used to be EMC until Roxio bought them a little while back. The current cost is $119 US download from the Roxio site. OS is Vista 64 on my editing PC.

Ron Evans

Dipesh Parmar
May 25th, 2011, 07:21 AM
I Have been lookin g for a Backup System for so long now as since i have moved away from tapes, i am so worried about hard disk drives crashing, or failing... i went out today and got my self a LTO 5 Tape Drive from Tandbarg and LTO 5 Data Tapes 1.5TB/3TB with a SAS PCI-e Card, i got a Windows Based Server 2010 64Bit with 6GB Ram. That Software from Retrospect for Windows is Awesome, Much Much Better then the Symantec... and So Much easier to USE... Thanks Heaps....