View Full Version : Vegas 9 Batch Capture
Ron Cooper May 21st, 2011, 06:45 PM This is the first time I've tried to capture HDV from a Sony A1P to a new project in Veg 9 & while the camera is all recognized with timecode OK, & I can capture manually, the timecode in & out are grayed out and as usual the help is ABSOLUTELY USELESS ( Thank goodness for this forum). How do I input the time codes ? I have set the project up as HD PAL 8 bit pixel format & use Win 64b.
I had no trouble at all with this in Veg 8. What gives ??
Leslie Wand May 21st, 2011, 07:12 PM there is NO batch capture with hdv.....
Ron Cooper May 21st, 2011, 09:07 PM Thanks Leslie. I am somewhat miffed by this, as it is a bit of a chore with lots of separate clips, but yes, previously I did capture as down-converted DV in-camera from HDV. Its a pity they don't remind you in the capture menu.
Leslie Wand May 21st, 2011, 10:32 PM and what a bugger!
apparently there is in sdi, but that's one hell of a workaround!
oh how i miss the days of scenealyser......
btw. you can use scene capture, whether with sony's built in capture or hdvsplit. either way it'd be better than nothing i suppose. nor is there any likelihood of anything being done about it since tape is on it's way out as mainstream acquisition....
Ron Cooper May 21st, 2011, 11:20 PM I use the Sony A1P as a second camera and while I agree that tape is on the way out, this is still a very useful and good quality camera with a nice set of features, which I'm sure many people still use. Nowadays it's all about the latest and forget about yesterday's models regardless of quality.
Leslie Wand May 21st, 2011, 11:57 PM i know that only too well.....
i'm shooting with a z5 since my three main clients (incl. abc tv) still demand tape. for my own productions i use it with a cf recorder - makes for a quick and simple workflow. that said, i still shoot EVERYTHING on tape as well - even if i never look at it it's a great archive medium which i don't have to think about.
interestingly i know a few indies who have disposed of tape completely, and the hd they stored their footage on has either died, or, as is more common, been 'somehow' overwritten along the way.
i buy usually buy a couple of cheap usb2 hds for all my client projects ($125 isn't much in the scheme of things) and then give one to the client whilst hanging on to the second myself*, but there's nothing quite as simple as a tape, clearly labelled, on a shelf....
*so far i have probably made double the cost of my external hds from charging clients for duping their lost ones!
Edward Troxel May 22nd, 2011, 06:09 AM oh how i miss the days of scenealyser......
Still use Scenalyzer Live every week!!!
Leslie Wand May 22nd, 2011, 06:46 AM edward,
i'm sure that if scenealyser could be re-engineered for hdv (mpeg), it'd be a winner. maybe not necessarily for capture since everything is heading to card and the like, but by goodness, it's logging and database functions are unsurpassed..... i still have 100's of dv tapes logged with head / mid / tail shots, etc.,
Dale Guthormsen May 22nd, 2011, 06:01 PM Edward, gentlemen,
I particularly like Sccenealyzer live!! I have had it for years and with multiple audio it is a life saver to be sure.
I asked them for an hd version and of course never got a response.