View Full Version : Sometimes you just get lucky

Charles Newcomb
May 21st, 2011, 09:23 AM
While practicing my "film look" camera technique with the 60D, a young red fox kit casually walked into frame... getting a little startled when it finally looked up and saw me.

YouTube - ‪Kit Steals The Show (sometimes you just get lucky)‬‏ (

Steve Bleasdale
May 21st, 2011, 03:56 PM
Hey charles nice one,,, what settings is that picture colour im having trouble deciding best on the 60d i seem to be getting a golden picture with standard and neutral settings? steve

Charles Newcomb
May 21st, 2011, 05:10 PM
That was just plain old Standard, 24p. It was a custom white balance, however.

Someone commented I should have done a rack focus. Gawd... how was I supposed to do that when I wasn't even sure I was seeing what I was seeing? If I had reached up for the lens barrel, that fox would have skedaddled in a heart beat.

Pat Flores
June 28th, 2011, 09:19 PM
it would've been awesome if you could've though...but yeah your movement would have made that fox split quick...