View Full Version : Card Write Speed Error with GH13

Corey Graham
May 20th, 2011, 05:52 PM
This has happened to me twice, and it's concerning me. I'm shooting on a hacked GH1, 720/60p. Tonight I was at a rehearsal, shooting some random shots to get a good feel for how it handles in the church. I panned around while recording, and suddenly got a message saying something similar to this: "motion recording stopped because of card write speed."

I'm using class 10 Panny SDHC cards, and this shouldn't be an issue -- especially when only shooting 720p.

Both times this has happened, I've been panning. Of course, I'm concerned that this will happen in the middle of the wedding tomorrow, and I won't necessary know it because it's going to be an unmanned back-of-the-church camera.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Corey Graham
May 20th, 2011, 06:36 PM
I just viewed the clips, and for the most part, the GH1 is beautiful.

But . . . moire! The gigantic wall behind the altar is brick, and the dreaded dancing rainbow reared its ugly head. What a disappointment.

Jeff Harper
May 20th, 2011, 09:52 PM
Corey, you might consider uninstalling the hack. The one wedding's worth of hacked GH1 footage I'm currently editing was not kosher, shot on a hacked GH1.

The moire,? Bummer for sure.

I've had absolutely NO issues with moire with the camera, it is rock sold for, me, albeit tricky to use.

Corey Graham
May 21st, 2011, 05:17 AM
Well, for today's wedding, I'm going to use the other GH1 -- the newer, unhackable one -- just to play it safe.

Jeff: I was suspecting it had something to do with the hack, as I wasn't able to find many people who had this same problem. And if you think about it, those who use hacked GH1's are likely not shooting 720p.

I loaded up Ptool this morning and started rooting through it again. Something I hadn't noticed before is that when you increase the bitrate, it affects both 1080 and 720 (FHD and SH modes). For some reason, I thought the bitrate hack only affected 1080. When I hacked this months ago, I put the bitrate at something ridiculous . . . 42Mbps or maybe even higher. It makes sense to me now that when the camera is shooting 60fps, the card may have a hard time keeping up with the data flow, even though it's only 720p.

And this could possibly explain the moire? High bitrate, high fps, lots of tiny parallel/perpendicular lines in the frame . . .

Corey Graham
May 23rd, 2011, 06:53 AM
Update . . .

I shot the wedding on Saturday using the unhacked GH1 as my stationary back camera. No moire this time. Also, no card write errors. I also used the camera for pre-wedding shots and most of the reception, and it performed flawlessly. The only difficulties I had with it were due to my limited experience with it -- things like focus and exposure. But those issues will get ironed out as I keep shooting.

I updated the hack for my other GH1. I don't want go without the hack all together, because I like having that native 1080/24p option at my disposal. But I set the bitrate down to something more conservative -- 24Mbps. I haven't tested it out yet, but plan on doing so soon.