View Full Version : Thinking of a different donation structure

Dylan Couper
August 19th, 2005, 10:38 AM
Hey guys and gals, since we haven't gotten too close to the start date yet, I was thinking of changing the donation structure. Honestly, I hate having mandatory donations, so I was thinking of a PBS type structure where you get more for what you donate. For example:

Entry: FREE

$10 donation - you get your name and website added to a list of people who donated for DVC3.

$20 donation - you get the above, plus a certificate of completion!

$35 donation - All of the above, plus the t-shirt

Answers to question that will pop up:
Yes, if you want to donate more you can and we'll figure out some way to reward you!

Yes, for those who have paid up for DVC3, adjustments would be made either way depending on what makes you happy.

To limit the amount of work for the judges, we'd limit entry to 20-30 spots.

What do you guys think of this rather than just the flat $20?

Michael Gibbons
August 19th, 2005, 10:45 AM
I think that you probably know best how much money is neccesary. I am in suport of at least a 10$ entry fee. That way you don't get caught without at least a minimum of funds.

August 19th, 2005, 11:07 AM
I think it sounds fair. If you are a student or your car broke down (*knock on wood*) you can still join in on the fun even if you are broke. And when you get your first paying camera job we know what "film school" to sponsor. :)

Mike Teutsch
August 19th, 2005, 11:23 AM
I think it sounds good too.


Bradley L Marlow
August 20th, 2005, 02:37 AM
That works for me Dylan-
