View Full Version : Sync TC Tape & Nano

Robin Probyn
May 18th, 2011, 02:15 AM
Sorry i think this might have been touched on before.

Is there any way to exactly sync TC between tape and nano.Im shooting HDX900 TC trigger Last TC.. 50 mbps LongGOP .mov 1080/25p
I know there is the delay function now.. but how can one actually set that up.. do you need editing software?


Dan Keaton
May 18th, 2011, 07:22 AM
Dear Robin,

For the HDX900, please go to the System|Timecode|Trigger Delay and set it to 1.

This feature was designed with the HDX900 in mind, but it works with other cameras also.

This will ensure that the timecode values on the tape will match the timecode values on the files.

The purpose of this setting is to ignore the bogus timecode values that the camera puts out prior to it actually going into record.

The "1" value ignores the changing timecode values for the first second. After that time the timecode values being put out by the HDX900 are valid.

I can explain further if you wish.

In general, this is only used with tape based cameras.

Robin Probyn
May 18th, 2011, 06:37 PM
Hi Dan

Ok thanks.Yes I remember reading about the TC delay with the HDX900,and nano.Up until now I have never had to actually have the two in sync.. just needed to know the setting for the HDX900.

Thanks again