View Full Version : Footage capture hardware problems: alternatives?

Konstantin Vilenchitz
August 19th, 2005, 07:02 AM

I upgraded from a ZR Canon to a PDX10. I shot some footage with the PDX10, and went to capture it last night through my ZR.

To my frustration I was getting error after error.

First off, the ZR is PAINFULLY slow to find the exact timecode for logged clips, drudging through slow motion frames forward and backward.

The next problem is that after capturing a few seconds, FCP seems to think that there's a timecode break which it starts looking for. If I was in the Flintstones, I feel like a little bird would come out of the side of my ZR and say "Oh brother, I QUIT!"

After getting very frustrated, trying to capture several clips I knew were fine, I switched the cameras and set the PDX10 up for capture and it was fine.

The PDX whirs so quickly to the exact points of the clips, it's great.

My issue is that clearly I don't want to ruin the PDX10's motors through capturing.

Is the ZR just too consumer to keep up with FCP's remote signals? I'd rather not have to buy yet another thousand dollar plus piece of equipment, just to capture, but at the same time I obviously don't want to ruin my nice camera.

I have an eye on the GVD 1000 but that's fairly pricey. On the other hand I know about the more affordable JVC dv / VHS decks but have heard they have a fair amount of issues too.

Any advice on a practical solution that won't blow the bank? Thanks.

Boyd Ostroff
August 19th, 2005, 07:15 AM
I wonder if the heads on your ZR might be dirty or out of alignment? Sorry, no specific experience with any of these inexpensive cameras.

While it's a good idea not to beat your camera into the ground by using it as a deck, I'm not sure whether your fears are well founded or not. I have a VX-2000 that's almost 4 years old. Since I have a PDX-10 and a Z1 now, I just don't shoot anything with the VX and have been using it as a deck for the last couple years. I've never had a single problem with it after running many, many hours of footage through it.

The nice thing about the PDX is that you have an hour meter which will tell you how much use you're putting on it. Unless you're planning to do some really heavy shooting and capturing, and assuming that your budget is limited, I'd be inclined to use the PDX to capture your footage. My impression is that the transport is pretty rugged.

Of course you shouldn't do this if you aren't comfortable with the possible risks, but personally it wouldn't worry me...

Konstantin Vilenchitz
August 22nd, 2005, 05:56 AM
Oh that's surprising. I'd gotten the impression reading this and other boards that most people wouldn't use their cameras for capture for fear of wearing out their camera motors.

I'm all for conserving and using my PDX all around if it won't overtax it.

Just curious if many other people use their cameras for capture. Nothing like a pat on the back to let you know it's OK! :P