Aaron Almquist
May 13th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Hi Everyone,
I have been looking at the Birger mount and watching updates on their new support for the AF100, FS100, RED, F3 ect... And found myself wondering if it would be possible to use their produce with our canon DSLRs?
Could I simply buy an EF-PL mount adapter, attach that to my 7D then buy a birger PL-EF adapter and attach my EF lenses? Is this too many adapters? Would anything not allow me to do this?
John Wiley
May 14th, 2011, 09:41 PM
I'm not sure I'm following you...
The way you've described it sounds as though you want to stack an EF-PL and a PL-EF adaptor together between the Canon camera body and an EF lens. Wouldn't you just put the lens straight onto the camera?
What are you seeking to gain from using the camera adaptor? All the Birger adaptor does is transmit information from the camera body to the lens while translating the language from one manufacturer's to another's. Putting any mount into the mix that doesn't transmit that data (eg most EOS to PL mounts) will stop any data from being transmitted at all. Furthermore, if you are stacking adaptors between the lens and body you'll lose the ability to focus to infinity or possibly even at all if the flange-to-lens difference is too great.
Please forgive me if I've misunderstood your question.
Aaron Almquist
May 16th, 2011, 01:31 AM
Thanks for the reply John. You partially answered my questions. Basically I want to use the features of the birger mount on my dslr (wireless follow focus & iris control). Because birger does not make an EF-EF mount I would have to go the round about way of an EF-PL adapter then apply the birger mount. Because I don't have any experience with adapters I was not sure how much distance the lens can be from the sensor before problems occur.
John Wiley
May 16th, 2011, 02:47 AM
If wireless control is what your after, perhaps you could check out a motorized follow focus with remote control?
Brian Drysdale
May 16th, 2011, 06:11 AM
You'd have problems with your flange focal distance: an EL mount is 44.0 mm, while a PL mount is 52mm. That means that you can use a PL mount adapter on an EL mount camera, but not other way around, never mind stack the adapters.