View Full Version : UK Insurance

Edgar Vasiluk
May 8th, 2011, 05:50 AM
Hi everyone!
I know this question was asked in the past, but wanted to have update on this.
I'm looking for insurance company here in UK not to expensive but also good. Equipment and public liability both required.
Thanks a lot for sharing!

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Mike Beckett
May 8th, 2011, 05:55 AM

Give these guys a go, E&L Insurance: Pet Insurance, Horse Insurance, Caravan Insurance and Wedding Insurance (

I pay about £15 /month for equipment (£2500 camera + £2000 of accessories) and £1m public liability.

I can't guarantee how good they are, I've not had to claim yet. A friend had a good experience (i.e. no hassle) when some of his stills gear was damaged when someone sat on it at a wedding.

Philip Howells
May 8th, 2011, 12:12 PM
Mike, although I'm surprised you use the company for your equipment (it looks more suited to people wanting to insure their weddings against supplier failure) I do have experience of the company itself.

We've insured our pedigree Bernese Mountain Dog with E&L since she was born, much against the advice and recommendations of most people in the dog business. The fact is that E&L is cheaper than many of the other companies and their cover goes on for longer. This means in practice many companies will cover your dog when it's young but when it gets older (and more likely to need the Vet), they refuse to cover it.

However, the Vet business - now involving many large group practices - (with few exceptions the days of James Herriott are long gone - and of course he was a large animal vet) - most of which sell and/or promote the other more expensive companies. More than that, if your animal is insured by one of the big ones most Vets will treat your dog immediately and bill the insurance company afterwards. On the other hand, if you're insured with E&L they invariably make you pay and then reclaim from E&L yourself.

Does that make you wonder if it's a cosy little way of bumping up prices - remembering that it's the animal owners who pay the ever-increasing premiums? I don't know, but the way many Vets start doing tests etc as soon as they hear the magic words, "Yes it's insured with XYZ" let's say you wouldn't be the first to ask the question.

Unfortunately one hears stories of E&L being difficult about paying. I can't speak for the stories but I can tell you that when our dog needed over £2000 of surgery last Christmas, it was treated immediately and efficiently by one of the biggest chains of Vets. Sure we had to pay the Vet before we got our dog back but we'd had a quote submitted to E&L and they refunded us the eventual bill in full and quite promptly.

So, check out E&L on Mike's recommendation; if it suits your needs, mine is first hand experience of the company.

Mike Beckett
May 8th, 2011, 12:38 PM

Thanks for your experience. I had them recommended by the photographer friend, and they do seem to be general insurance, with specific photographic equipment cover.

As I said, the real proof is what happens when things go wrong, I've no idea if the animal cover experience is the same as the video equipment cover.

It would be good to hear other experiences and alternatives too, a choice of one is not enough!

Nigel Barker
May 8th, 2011, 02:34 PM
In the UK the two largest insurance companies for professional photographers & videographers are Towergate Camerasure ( & Aaduki ( They both do equipment insurance plus public liability & professional indemnity

Steve Bleasdale
May 8th, 2011, 03:24 PM
Im with E&L, dropped my 60d broke, claimed, paid out within one week, brilliant

Danny O'Neill
May 9th, 2011, 02:43 AM
Were now insured via Towergate. Used to be the Post Office but they, like many others will not insure videographers. Initially they were going to put us down as Photographers but decided to check with their underwriters. They then informed them that they couldnt do that and videographers are one of those high risk, uninsurable catagories. WTF! I dont want to get into the whole were different to photographers but in terms of risk I would say were pretty much the same. Heck, we use the exact same gear.

They apparently see videographers as working on high risk sets all day with hot lights, cables and scenery.

So switched to Towergate who now insure the home, the business, public liability in the home, gear in the UK and abroard. Cost a bit more but its more comprehensive.

Thing to remember about insurance is that while you can bend the truth and save money the insurance company will do everything in their power to avoid a large payout should that ever arise so if you say your a tog when your a vog they will use that as a reason not to pay.

Andrew Carter
August 31st, 2011, 05:40 AM

I know i need public liability insurance, but do i need employees liability as well?? The insurance company recommended i dont need as i dont employee anyone?

Danny O'Neill
August 31st, 2011, 06:32 AM
Hi Andrew, if you dont employee anyone then there is no reason you would need it.

Bev Downie
August 31st, 2011, 10:33 AM
I can confirm how dreadful E&L are with pet insurance. I'd not trust them an inch! I am insured with Aaduki.

Andrew Carter
September 3rd, 2011, 11:54 AM
Hi Andrew, if you dont employee anyone then there is no reason you would need it.

As well as hopefully doing weddings in the future. I will also be doing short films, which seems to me to be a grey area, as you work with people maybe for a day or half a day.


Bev Downie
September 3rd, 2011, 12:07 PM
I can confirm how dreadful E&L are with pet insurance. I'd not trust them an inch! I am insured with Aaduki.

I am about to test Aaduki. Yesterday I managed to drop a 5dmk2 and a 17-40 f4 L lens. Both dead. Fingers crossed for a speedy outcome!

Peter Riding
September 3rd, 2011, 01:00 PM
Keep us posted Bev! I have been with Aaduki for several years for public liability, professional indemnity, and equipment.

You can readily get their standard terms amended often without any extra premium e.g. leaving equipment in your car late in the evening as we often have to do.

Membership of some trade associations can give you a discount.


Bev Downie
September 3rd, 2011, 01:03 PM
Me too but this is my first claim.....

Andy Wilkinson
September 3rd, 2011, 03:38 PM
Ouch! Good luck with that Bev and let us know how it goes.

The last 3 years I've insured with these people (after a strong recommendation by someone, on here I think, at the time I chose that they would pay up, no hassle if the worst happened). I've (luckily...fingers crossed) never had to make a claim so I can't vouch for them on that front.

Golden Valley Insurance (

I don't insure all my gear, just some very specific key items (£11K value). It costs me about £400/year. No idea if that's a keen price or not but you can read the terms and conditions on the weblink and make your own mind up.

Whilst we are talking insurance, I also have £5M Public Liability and Personal Indeminity Insurance as some of my clients insist on that kind of cover - and no way would I want not to have it anyway! That's about a £135/year "throw away" web based purchase through Simply Business.

Also, I'm wondering if this thread should have been in the 'Taking Care of Business' area - as its much broader than just 'Wedding Techniques' - over to the Mods to decide.

Steve Slattery
September 5th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Another vote for Aaduki, I have claimed once in teh past and they have been fantastic.


Tariq Peter
March 4th, 2012, 03:39 AM

Just wanted to know if there were any new updates on this topic. I am looking for an Insurance company for both Equipment and public liability.

Claire Buckley
March 4th, 2012, 06:26 AM
Hi Tariq.

I use Simply Business based in Northants (they are agents). I have equipment and £5M Public Liability - quite reasonable price.


George Kilroy
March 4th, 2012, 09:43 AM
I also use Simply Business. It's easy to tailor a policy for just the cover you need.

Andy Wilkinson
August 5th, 2012, 08:46 AM
My gear insurance is coming up for renewal in the next few weeks.

Just an update that Golden Valley (who I have used the last few years) are now owned by another insurance company, the owner having retired in the last 12 months. I think I'll be looking at some of the alternatives suggested.

Any recent experiences from anyone (good or bad) about some of the insurance companies for UK videographers listed in this thread?

Andy Wilkinson
August 16th, 2012, 03:49 AM
I've just moved my insurance to Towergate. Found them highly competitive and very helpful. Auduki were almost as competitive so it really depends what you need in the small print.

When my public liability (£5M) and personal indemnity insurance comes up for renewal next year (currently done through Simply Business), Towergate have also indicated that they can do that aspect as a bolt on much more economically too.

Any questions about cover, details and cost, please approach those insurance companies directly - not me! [I'm just rounding off my recent involvement in this thread].

Right, that's sorted. Back to editing!