View Full Version : UI going screwy!

Ian Stark
May 7th, 2011, 04:47 AM
Starting with Vegas Pro 10 I have occasionally (thankfully rarely) had a glitch where the UI seems to get itself confused and parts of it become inoperable. I am still having this issue in 10d, installed last night.

For example, at the moment my preview window is on one monitor and the main UI is on another (as it always is). The playhead shows one point on my timeline but the preview is showing a point about three minutes ahead (approx guess). When I move the playhead anywhere along the visible timeline the preview displays frames from seemingly random parts of the clip (which is about 90 minutes long).

In addition, the FILE/EDIT/VIEW etc menus are all available to me but the icon bar is not responding. I can use the transport controls on the preview window but not on the main UI transport bar. Actually, that's not quite true - the buttons work but are stuck in whatever position they were in when the glitch kicked in.

Here's a weird one - I just tried clicking on the controls of a plugin that was loaded and while nothing happened to the plugin, the timeline jumped. Clicking again repeats this. When I click just above the timeline the project properties box appears!

It's as though the graphic elements of the UI have got themselves confused while the text menus are functioning OK.

Update: I just tried to restore the window layout - this caused the preview window to dock - but I can't click on the tabs to view it! Another odd thing - when I do click on teh tab expand controls I get the cursor symbol for fades!


Anyone else enjoyed this? It has been thankfully rare, and resolved with a reboot and only reared it's head with v10.

This is the 64 bit version. An additional problem that has cropped up in the last 24 hours is that the 32 bit version now hangs on 'Implementing DirectX Plugins' at boot. Again, this was befpre I installed 10d. I'm wondering if I am having a wider system issue.

Any thoughts as to what diagnostics I should be carrying out would be appreciated.


Gerald Webb
May 7th, 2011, 05:45 AM
Ive had this kind of thing twice in the last 12 months.
Once with 9 and once with 10.
I'm pretty harsh now, anything like that happens, I kill Windows and start again.
I tried to trouble shoot the first time I had anything like this and just wasted a heap of time.
Ive got it down to about 2 hrs to completely reinstall, so its pretty much not worth the hassle of chasing bugs. But you may be a better bug hunter than me :)
Good luck Ian

Ian Stark
May 7th, 2011, 06:12 AM
Yes, I am coming round to thinking that this is maybe not a Vegas issue but something wider, ie Windows. One or two other things have happened as well that aren't quite right, including the system becoming very unresponsive at times - not hanging, but maybe taking three or four minutes to process a mouseclick.

I'm gradually getting to the point of a clean slate Windows. Sigh . . .

Leslie Wand
May 7th, 2011, 06:28 AM
is your pc connected to the net?

if so try running malware antibytes. surprising what sneaks in.

also, check your video drivers are upto date.

probably teaching you how to suck eggs, but hey, you might have overlooked the obvious...

Ian Stark
May 7th, 2011, 07:41 AM
Thanks Leslie. I have done both already but I havenn't used Malwarebytes before so I thought I'd give it a go. It's found 5 infected objects already (well, after an hour!). I run quite a tight ship security wise but, as you say, things have a habit of creeping in.

Still tempted to do a full reinstall but I'm curious as to what has caused these issues so I'll do a bit more digging first!


Leslie Wand
May 7th, 2011, 05:38 PM
it's amazing how insidious the net is.... or at least the bits of it you don't want are.

i usually run malware antibytes once, if it DOES pick up anything i remove them, reboot and run a second time.

some of these nasties are VERY intrusive / invasive.

and, as an aside, i've noticed somethings amiss when either my mouse / wacom and or display go 'wonky'.

Ron Evans
May 7th, 2011, 05:53 PM
You might also want to check how much free space you have on the hard drives especially the one that has the Vegas temp folders on it.

Ron Evans

Roy Alexander
May 8th, 2011, 02:14 AM
I've had the same trouble as Ian, twice in four years. The first symtons were Adobe premiere and then Vegas MS 10 performing erratic and it gradually got worse. After having a couple of experts trying to eliminate the bugs and failing but still costing money for the attempt I finally had to replace the hard drives and re-install everything. Took hours. Apparantly the virus was on an attachment from an email from a trusted friend, obviously it was not from him but it appeared to be. So be vigilant with everything you download.