View Full Version : a little info on the Zoom H2

Don Bloom
May 5th, 2011, 05:28 PM
OK all you good folks that use the Zoom H2- As much as I love my wireless I have a job coming up soon where the Zoom H2 seems like it would be the better option. So as a newbie in the world of Zoom H2 recorders and not finding the information on any website including here (unless I missed it-possible my eyes hurt) I am wondering about 2 things.

1) The H2 which runs on 2 AA bateries-about how long will it run based on 16 bit-48K recording?

2) using those rates 16-48) how much recording time is possible with a 2gig card?

3) can the card be offloded directly from the H2 using a USB hookup or...?

To the person or people that have the answers I wil put you in my will. Of course please keep in mind that I keep all of my money tied up in debt so I know where it's at so don't get too excited!


Andy Wilkinson
May 5th, 2011, 09:31 PM
1. Don't know as I've never left it on continuously for more than about 3 hrs (by which time there was plenty of juice still left - with Duracell Plus batteries).

2. I guess around 2hrs 30 mins as the 4GB card in my Zoom H2 gives around 5 hrs when set to Stereo mic config at 16 bit 48K.

3. Yes.... but it's VERY SLOW as the USB port on the H2 is 1.1 spec, not the faster USB 2.0 spec. So I normally whip the card out and stick it in a faster card reader.

Also, there used to be a very useful Zoom H2 forum (on another website) with lots of tips about the strengths and weaknesses - I linked to it on here about 2-3 years ago but don't know if it's still going.

Do I get now get a will mention?.... just in case you win the Lottery sometime and get to pay those debts off! :-)

P.S. I'm not always up at 4.30AM UK time, just when I've a lot of corporate video editing work on!

Stan Harkleroad
May 5th, 2011, 09:49 PM
Are you wanting to use the built in mics or inputs on the Zoom? The line in on the Zoom is a bit noisy for me. I tried it out for a while and wasn't happy so I sold it. What format you record in doesn't affect the battery life AFAIK. 48KHz/16 bit would give you ~2h20m. If you have 24 bit available on your recorder go that route. If you are in a situation where you can't monitor your levels you can set them a bit low and raise in post without adding noise. Beware with the H2 though regarding 24 bit. I read from tests that it doesn't actually reach 24 bit even though it is advertised as such. It actually bottlenecks at about 20 bits if I remember the number correctly. So actually they are giving a false advertisement.

Have you looked at the Sony M10 or Tascam DR-2d? The Sony has omni mics and built in memory. It also runs something like 30 hours on a set of regular AA batteries. The Tascam only runs about 4 hours on a good set of batteries but has a dual record feature that allows you to record the same source at a lower level in case the first signal is too hot or record 2 separate sources like internal mics + line in or line in + mic in.

I was looking for a secondary recorder recently and had it down to the M10 and DR-2d. I decided to go with the Tascam for the sole reasons that I'd rather have cardioids if the internal mics are in a fixed position and the dual record mode really appealed to me for live music recordings. The M10 has been getting some phenomenal user reviews though. I have the D50 which is a step up and Sony really knows what they are doing.

If you're looking for a good quality, versatile hand held recorder I'd seriously consider the M10. The on;y advantage the H2 has over any of the other recorders is the surround recording with all 4 mics if you want to record round table dialogue or acoustic music with the performers in a circle.

As far as copying files, I think every hand held recorder has a USB hook up so you can hook it up to your computer without removing the card. I know for sure the H2, M1, D50, and DR-2d have one. The transfer is always going to be a bit slower that way but the convenience factor is there.

Andy Wilkinson
May 5th, 2011, 10:17 PM
Yep, for sure there are better options now as per Stan's comments and I agree, only consider the cheap Zoom H2 if you intend to use it with its on-board mics, forget about plugging anything into it. There are lots of threads about all the options on here and Stan's list mentions several key models with which to do a bit of reading about.

If I buy another DAR if and when the Zoom H2 dies it will be a Sony PCM-D50 (for its quality, but its a bit big) or the Sony M10 for it's more compact size and better value (but still with excellent performance, from what I've read). I also have a Fostex FR2-LE but that's a different kind of beast and much too big for what I suspect you're after Don (but very good on sound quality with external XLR mics).

Don Bloom
May 6th, 2011, 06:03 AM
Andy and Stan,
Thanks so much for the info it was just what I was looking for. I really only need it to run for about an 1 1'2 hours at a time so the battery life issue seems fine, the on boards mics will do the job and slow transfer is OK because I've gotten slower at my old age as well. ;-)
I hadn't thought about the other 2 recorders mentioned, I'll look at those as well before delving into more debt since I want to keep my will on an even keel. Speaking of that, I mentioned the possible addition of others to my will and my wife insisted that no one be added if only because my children and grandchildren wish the opportunity to accumulate all of my "riches" HA little do they know! I have also decided that I am far too ornery and grumpy to be in need of a will as I shall liveon forever!
BTW, you have to play to win and since I don't play.....Sorry guys!


Stan Harkleroad
May 6th, 2011, 07:45 AM
The M10 is $220 at B&H and comes with 4GB built in memory.

I haven't used the M10 myself but I can tell you how good the D50 is and how many people over at have given the M10 very favorable reviews compared to the D50. Like I said, I did have the H2 for a while and just wasn't pleased. It is pretty cheap right now though. So at least you wouldn't be taking a huge financial risk with it.

Don Bloom
May 6th, 2011, 07:54 AM
I went to B&H and looked at the M10 as well as DR-2d and frankly for the purposes I need I think the H2 will do the job but first I need to nail down the contract. It looks about 99% but you know how that goes. Just as they're going to sign the pen runs out of ink and they run out of money but you still have to do the leg work.
Thanks again Stan and Stay dry down there.

Jay Massengill
May 6th, 2011, 09:01 AM
I haven't used one personally, but the relatively new Tascam DR-05 is getting good reviews. It's a little less money than the H2 ($100 online versus $130), but it's also a little taller. If you're using it for onboard mics rather than putting in a pocket with a lav mic, this size difference may not matter.
Do you have a local store like a Guitar Center that you could check them both and give us your impressions?

Don Bloom
May 6th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Jay, you know I didn't even look at the DR-05 ...Duh! I was right there in the website. Yeah guitar Center isn't far from me, I'll mosey on down there next week after I'm sure I got the deal done.
Thanks for the heads up on the DR-05.

Pete Cofrancesco
May 6th, 2011, 08:52 PM
I own a H4N 2.5 hrs sounds about right for 2gb but memory cards are so cheap why not buy a 4gb card. I don't care for the battery life or the indicator which is 3 bars: full, less than full, and almost empty. I haven't run out of battery but it makes me nervous every time I run it continuous for more than an hour.

Don Bloom
May 6th, 2011, 09:07 PM
Pete, thanks for the info. If I get the H2 I'll more than likely go with the 4 gig card and I'll be wary of the battery issue but honestly 1 1/2 to about 2 hours is all I need so my trusty coppertops should be OK (hopefully)

Rick Reineke
May 7th, 2011, 05:45 PM
I used to run an H2 as back-up audio recorder on an educational series, it would easily run all day (9-5) on single set of Rayovac Hybrid rechargables. There was a one hr. lunch and two 15 min. coffee breaks, the machine was stopped but never shut down.
I was using the line input but additional drain using the internal or external mics w/ bias power would be negligible I would think.

Gene Gajewski
May 7th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I'm pretty happy with my H2. For the price, it works quite nicely. The market's flooded with pocket recorders though, these days.

Don Bloom
May 7th, 2011, 09:30 PM
Thanks for all the replies and information. At least I know what I'll do if I nail the gig. Heck I may get one even if I don't get the gig.
Thanks again all!