View Full Version : Real Estate Video from Helicopter

Woody Wright
May 3rd, 2011, 12:16 PM
I have been hired to shoot and edit video of Real Estate from a helicopter. My first question was about vibration. He assured me the ride is "as smooth as glass". But he doesnt have a zoom lens attached to his head. Id really like to avoid any mistakes made from ignorance, those "why didnt I think of that?" situations.Anyone with experience in this? Camera is Sony AX-2000.

Ok so i found some threads on this forum that I missed before, wrong keywords I guess. Gyros are not in the budget. AX-2000 does not overcrank.
I didnt think to ask what kind of helicopter. I read an article where the guy held the cam on his lap on top of a foam pad.and reported acceptable results. I also have the option of tracking in after effects.

Thanks for any input.

Paul Wags
May 5th, 2011, 05:50 PM
I have use a Canon 7D in a Jetranger shooting video.
Without some kind of gyro you are not going to get very good results.
To much micro vibration no matter how smooth he flies.

Woody Wright
May 17th, 2011, 04:16 PM
Thank Paul. Thats what I thought. I will look at gyros again. May be able to rent.