View Full Version : Cineform Won't Export Via AME

Marty Baggen
May 2nd, 2011, 04:20 PM
Running the latest releases of CS5 and Neo4K.

Decided to give the latest Cineform Beta a try.... and without paying attention, I downloaded and installed Neo, not Neo4K. Is there even a difference now?

In any event, at about this time... or perhaps because of my possible error, Premiere will not export a Cineform encode request to Media Encoder. It does so with any other format, so this is a Cineform exclusive issue so far as I can determine.

I have subsequently downloaded and installed the most recent Neo4K I could get (5.3.2 Build 302), and installed and seems to function with my original license key intact which I did not remove as part of the uninstall prior to my update, but the export issue with Premiere remains.

Attempted to submit a ticket, but my log in info is not accepted at the Cineform site.....

I'm thinking this might NOT be the day for me to invest in a Lottery Ticket.

Any words of advice out there?

Trond Saetre
May 6th, 2011, 08:09 AM
On the Cineform site, you have to register as a new user. Your old username/pw does not work after they changed their site. (you can use the same username/pw when you register again)

Marty Baggen
May 6th, 2011, 10:41 AM
thanks Trond... I'm in.

Hope to get a solution to my export issue.