View Full Version : Possibly the best cat video ever!

Craig Turner
May 2nd, 2011, 12:29 AM
Possibly not too, but either way you sometimes you just have to shoot stuff for fun.

I just thought I would share a little project i completed in my spare time.
This is mostly shot on the canon 5D2.

The best cat video ever! - Craig Turner (

Craig Turner.

Colin McDonald
May 2nd, 2011, 03:32 AM
You are a brave man, Craig. Some people have absolutely no sense of humour when it comes to cats. The woman who leapt to notoriety for dumping one in a wheelie bin in Coventry provoked death threats. YouTube - Woman thought putting cat in bin 'would be funny' (

With a bit of luck you probably live far enough away from Coventry (could you be any further?) to discourage to lunatic fringe of the pet lovers in the UK from coming after you.

Good luck with this one.

Chris Medico
May 2nd, 2011, 07:40 AM
Awesome rig Craig. Loved the video.