Gary Bettan
April 29th, 2011, 01:59 PM
Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part II: Avid, Adobe and more Software
While Apple may have stolen a lot of the buzz from NAB with their Sneak Peak of
Final Cut Pro X at the FCPUG Supermeet, that didn't mean that the rest of the
industry sat quietly on the sidelines. (See Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part I:
Apple's Final Cut Pro X Sneak Peak – More Than Meets the Eye
Videoguys Blog - Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part I: Apple's Final Cut Pro X Sneak Peak ? More Than Meets the Eye (
Avid, Adobe, Grass Valley and others all had their own updates to talk about. In
fact, it looks like we're entering the first stage of a war for marketshare
among the three Big "A"s of editing, Apple, Adobe and Avid. While Apple fired
the first shot with their FCPX Sneak Peak, Avid and Adobe still have plenty of
bullets left and we must not forget about Grass Valley and Sony who have very
viable offerings for the PC.
Click here for the full article Videoguys Blog - Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part II: Avid, Adobe and more Software News (
While Apple may have stolen a lot of the buzz from NAB with their Sneak Peak of
Final Cut Pro X at the FCPUG Supermeet, that didn't mean that the rest of the
industry sat quietly on the sidelines. (See Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part I:
Apple's Final Cut Pro X Sneak Peak – More Than Meets the Eye
Videoguys Blog - Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part I: Apple's Final Cut Pro X Sneak Peak ? More Than Meets the Eye (
Avid, Adobe, Grass Valley and others all had their own updates to talk about. In
fact, it looks like we're entering the first stage of a war for marketshare
among the three Big "A"s of editing, Apple, Adobe and Avid. While Apple fired
the first shot with their FCPX Sneak Peak, Avid and Adobe still have plenty of
bullets left and we must not forget about Grass Valley and Sony who have very
viable offerings for the PC.
Click here for the full article Videoguys Blog - Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part II: Avid, Adobe and more Software News (