View Full Version : Well, I never heard THAT before!
Charles Newcomb April 26th, 2011, 08:00 AM Got my new 60D. I've been playing with it and trying out all the settings/goodies. But because of Passover, my Rode Video Mic Pro hasn't arrived yet. So I just rolled some footage anyway because I was more interested in the look than the sound.
Well, throughout the entire series of clips I kept hearing this faint, rapid-staccato ticking noise on playback. So I threw the clips on a timeline (imports nicely into Sony Vegas and Final Cut 7) and cranked up the volume. Aha! The noise I heard was the camera writing to the disk, or, at the very least, buffering as it did.
Hooked up the Rode NTG 2... no noise. Hooked up the Sony wireless... no noise. It was only from the camera's internal mic. But never having used the internal mic on any of my cameras, I've never experienced that before.
I'll have to try it on my EX3 and see if it does the same thing.
Andy Wilkinson April 26th, 2011, 08:05 AM Or alternatively, were you using a Canon IS lens with the IS switched on??
Charles Newcomb April 26th, 2011, 08:11 AM Yep. By golly. You nailed it.
Andy Wilkinson April 26th, 2011, 08:16 AM :-)
Some IS lenses make more noise than others. My Canon 70-200mm is the noisiest yet my Canon 17-55mm is really quiet. My Canon 100mm Macro IS is somewhere between the two.
However, the IS on all of them is TERRIFIC for reducing those horrible micro-jitters - you've seen it, it makes so much hand-held web video totally unwatchable....
Enjoy your new camera Charles!
Chris Hurd April 26th, 2011, 09:38 AM I thought the loudest one was the EF 28-135mm IS.
Always turn off IS when recording audio from the in-camera mic!
John Vincent April 26th, 2011, 09:47 AM Interesting thing to consider when buying a lens, something I don't think I've ever read about in reviews of IS glass. Only have one lens with IS, and it is very quiet....
Chris Hurd April 26th, 2011, 10:36 AM Probably because most reviews are written by photographers, who aren't using these things for video...
Andy Wilkinson April 26th, 2011, 10:59 AM Image Stabilisation (or Stabilzation to many of you) with respect to video tends to get discussed in relation to the longer lenses where it's obviously of greater benefit.
There is some info in this thread...and a few others dotted around the forum (in the various Canon DSLR sections) where the noise gets discussed occasionally... (often by me as I use a hand-held 7D and IS a lot for video stuff!)
However, its basically pretty simple. What I do is just use double system sound (or a better plugged in mic) or an alternate sound track when using IS - if I have to use IS to get what I need when I'm out and about on the hoof!
EDIT: Also, bit more info specifically about IS noise here too.
Charles Newcomb May 1st, 2011, 12:04 PM Like others new to DSLR, I've found it frustrating not being able to monitor audio while recording. I mean, riding levels on the meter is fine, but levels don't tell you if there's an annoying heater vent hiss going on.
So with my Sony wireless I just plug into the receiver and monitor the incoming audio that way. With the Rode Video MIc Pro, I use a splitter so I can plug the mic and the headphones into the camera at the same time. Works great.
I sent an email to Rode suggesting they put a headphone jack in the back of the VMP.
Jon Fairhurst May 1st, 2011, 05:52 PM With Magic Lantern firmware, you can monitor from the camera. Unfortunately, it's not available on all bodies...