View Full Version : transcode

Steve Bleasdale
April 25th, 2011, 09:59 AM
Hey guys
Thought my premeire elements 8 would cope with the 60d full hd, it does but when i add effects and colours and such it bluscreens and green screens and crashes so i have to make the jump quick to transcode, do i use mpeg streamclip or ? to add to my 1080ix1440 i can work smooth, if i use the transcoder do i just transcode the full hd to full hd in the transcoder as i dont want 720p!!! when i transfer my media through my card reader to computor from my sd card, do i put one clip or all of them at the same time through the transcode process, do i need to know anything else important?? can someone walk me through the process quick??? thanks steve

Steve Bleasdale
April 25th, 2011, 06:05 PM
can anyone bite??

Laurence Janus
April 26th, 2011, 12:14 AM
I hate to sound like a Cineform fanboy but Neoscene is soooooo good for transcoding

I think NeoHD will resize thing too... download a trial and see how you go

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 02:43 AM
Thanks Laurence will try

Chris Harding
April 26th, 2011, 05:09 AM
Hi Steve

I have been using NewBlue's Upshift now for 3 converts AVCHD into MPEG2 "m2t" files at 50mbps and the results for me were way better and way easier than Neoscene (it's a tad cheaper too)

The end result, to my eyes, seems to produce a slightly sharper file than the original too!!!

The resultant files run on my DuoCore machine effortlessly with super smooth preview so it's my choice.

Both have trial downloads so why not explore both????


Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 06:26 AM
Thanks chris, so the 60d mov files will transcode ok with new blue!! and you say it will keep the quality of the full hd files? the only other option is to get cs5 but im used to the prem 8 and i get around quick without learning cs5 unless its similar to prem 8 as both are adobe!! thanks steve

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Hey Chris i have downloaded trial newblue upshift and it wont accept mov files to transcode?? steve

Chris Harding
April 26th, 2011, 07:45 AM
Hi Steve

Darn!! I have never tried it with MOV's ..sorry about that ..Canon files are of course, AVCHD but wrapped in a MOV container...I really would have expected it to be able to handle the 60D files.

Sorry to lead you up the garden path!!! Guess you need to use Neoscene??? I had both, hence the suggestion...Neoscene will do MOV as far as I know!!


Charles Newcomb
April 26th, 2011, 08:06 AM
The book says they're h264 files wrapped into mov, not AVCHD. Are you sure you're talking about the 60d, Chris?

Now I need to go check... sort of like knowing your car is locked, but someone asks if it is and suddenly you're not sure.

I hate getting old.

Lisa Maxwell
April 26th, 2011, 10:23 AM
Hi Steve,

You and me are in the same boat so to speak. Here's what I've been doing:

Use mpeg streamclip (I believe it's free) to convert your H.264 files from your 60D to Apple ProRes 422 (LT)-oh wait, you don't have FCP? Oy, you're gonna have to invest in a good NLE I'm afraid. Well, any-who I'll keep going if anyone else needs to know...

I record in 24p at 1920x1080 NTSC-so in PAL land this may be different.

Convert your 60D files and your HV40 files (if you wanna use the multiclip functionality) in mpeg streamclip:
List, Batch List, Add files, export to QT, set destination folder, compression: Apple ProRes 422 (LT), Quality 100%, 1920x1080 (unscaled), UNcheck interlaced scaling and deinterlace video and any others, press To Batch, Press Go. processes your files. Bring 'em on in to FCP and start editing to your heart's content! If you have the power, RAM and storage and you're going to be doing a lot of graphics & filters you may want 4444, but it's processor intensive and makes humongous files.

Anyway, this is what I've been doing so far. May change as I keep learning. Or if someone pipes in and says I'm doing it completely and utterly wrong! Ha! Well, it's worked the first couple o'times anyway.

Matt Harvey
April 26th, 2011, 12:36 PM
You can use Avids DNxHD in streamclip on PC or ProRES on Mac.



Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 12:37 PM
Hi Lisa thanks, I think I will buy neoscene as it seems the best around. I will try mpeg stream first. I have a high spec computer but only premier elements 8 (which I'm used to, but need to upgrade more pro), the hv40 1080x1440 is a doddle so it's only the mov files to transcode then bring to the time line. The newblue won't accept mov files I've tried , so will experiment with neo or mpeg stream. Thanks for your time everyone.

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Cheers matt, thanks all, no doubt I will be back as arnie says, cheers steve

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Hey Lisa I'm loving the 60d with hv40! How u finding it? I like the 60d in just neutral with hv in cine ode 25p and + on custom settings, also standard on 60d with tv mode in daylight hv goes well!! When you adjust your exposure on the metre bar do you centre it or stop down one? Tell you what though you have to be quick to frame set exposure focus and keep steady!! But I think it's worth it!! Steve sunny England

Lisa Maxwell
April 26th, 2011, 03:21 PM
Well, I'll have my first test run with them both on Thursday. Just filming a local elementary school concert (PTO hired me to do it and I love those kids!) but it'll give me a good chance to see how well they integrate. Have two weddings in June I'm so excited about! Just getting them to match is gonna be my greatest challenge. I did go ahead and get two 60D's, but still want a third angle for weddings. We shall see how it goes!

Colin Rowe
April 26th, 2011, 05:07 PM
The book says they're h264 files wrapped into mov, not AVCHD. .
Hey guys H264 is AVCHD

Jon Fairhurst
April 26th, 2011, 05:36 PM
I believe that all AVCHD is h.264, but not all h.264 is AVCHD.

Canon DSLRs don't shoot AVCHD.

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 06:19 PM
Ok good luck, try 60d standard-hv40 tv mode daylight wb...

Also 60d neutral kelvin 3900,-hv cinemode 25p + on custom settings, daylight wb or custom.

Steve Bleasdale
April 26th, 2011, 06:22 PM
Beth + Ian on Vimeo

Lisa this is my latest trailer with 60d and hv40, see what you think. steve

Luke Gates
April 26th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Hi Lisa thanks, I think I will buy neoscene as it seems the best around.

Avids DNxHD is free and works great. Learning curve from elements to cs5 isn't too bad either

Steve Bleasdale
April 27th, 2011, 02:30 AM
Hey Luke thanks for your input, so do you think if i get cs5 i can work similar to prem 8, with it being adobe i suppose there would not be that much difference? steve

Lisa Maxwell
April 27th, 2011, 09:12 AM
I like the style and the way you edited around the music. Did you use black and white because the colors of the HV40 didn't match with the 60D?

Steve Bleasdale
April 27th, 2011, 02:10 PM
Not really Lisa just like to use black White a lot as it gives a rich feel. But yes its a good idea to do that I suppose. Steve

Kren Barnes
April 28th, 2011, 02:38 PM
what's up can try Canopus Procoder 3 its very easy to use and the quality is great although we just made the switch to CS5 to save us the trouble of transcoding :)


Vertical Video Works* Winnipeg Wedding Videography (

David Zeno
April 28th, 2011, 06:19 PM
Hi Steve,

when you say CS5, what program are you talking about ? PP or AE ?

As far as I know, neither do any transcoding, so you won't find anything faster in the editing process.

As for the 60D, it is AVCHD footage from what I've read on a number of forums in the last few months.


Thanks chris, so the 60d mov files will transcode ok with new blue!! and you say it will keep the quality of the full hd files? the only other option is to get cs5 but im used to the prem 8 and i get around quick without learning cs5 unless its similar to prem 8 as both are adobe!! thanks steve

David Zeno
April 28th, 2011, 06:25 PM
If you are using Premiere Pro version 5.03 or later, and you have a CUDA supported video card, then you will find your system is a 100x faster, because any of the footage you put on the time line is basically pre-rendered, thank Adobe for this amazing technology, for supported Nvidia CUDA cards that take advantage of Adobe's Mercury engine.

I've seen this in action, and it's mind blowing, how fast it is. With a video card that doesn't support CUDA, it's extremely slow, add in an Nvidia CUDA supported card that Adobe supports, and all of a sudden, your time line is rendered, you can add many many many layers of video, 20 layers of graphics, and the time line is still rendered and plays back in real-time. It's just amazing.


Hi Steve

Darn!! I have never tried it with MOV's ..sorry about that ..Canon files are of course, AVCHD but wrapped in a MOV container...I really would have expected it to be able to handle the 60D files.

Sorry to lead you up the garden path!!! Guess you need to use Neoscene??? I had both, hence the suggestion...Neoscene will do MOV as far as I know!!
