Simon Denny
April 23rd, 2011, 02:06 AM
I've been waiting for tests done by Alan Roberts on the Sony PMW 500 and Alan has revealed his findings.
I have been shooting with the 500 now for some weeks and I'm totally loving the images I'm getting from this camera. With all new equipment it takes some time to find it's sweet spot and become familiar with it's look especial with different lenses that I have been testing out.
This is a great production camera that fits all the shooting styles that I throw at it from studio setups to the harsh Australian outdoors.
Link to Alans findings. BBC R&D White Paper WHP034 - Alan Roberts (
Paul Cronin
April 23rd, 2011, 12:27 PM
I am with you Simon the 500 is a great work horse, downloading a few hundred gigs right now from my last shoot. The 64GB cards are a must in my opinion.
Very impressed with the picture quality the CCD still rules with motion and the audio at 24 bit is excellent.
Now I just need the Canon new gyro lens and I am all set.
Simon Denny
April 23rd, 2011, 02:33 PM
Hi Paul,
Yep I agree the CCD image is fantastic. I was never a fan of CMOS. One thing most people forget is audio and the 24 bit audio that the 500 captures is so clean from using a lapel to using the top mic. Also i'm using some Sony 95w batteries and some Global Media ones and the extra shooting time I'm getting out of these is great when you consider that this is CCD technology. One last thing is using the cards I just love this format vs the disk.
Sony have released XDCAM Browser version 1.2 and I'm not sure what changes they have made, I'm checking this out now.
How's the picture profiles going mate? Any changes.
Paul Cronin
April 23rd, 2011, 02:47 PM
Hi Simon,
I am using the Switronix 130w/hr batteries and have three, this gets me through the long days. We just had a 16 hr day of shooting and the three were fine. And I don't shut the camera off much.
Agree I like the cards over the disk.
Did not know that Browser 1.2 was out I have been flat out and will be for the next two months at least.
I think you have the same profile I am using. I did tell you I would send the updated which I think is the same. Just got the camera home again after it being on the road for three months. I will email the profile I am using.
Simon Denny
April 23rd, 2011, 03:24 PM
Hi Paul,
Here is the link for the XDCAM Browser update it's v 1.2.1
Sony of Canada: E-Support (
Paul Cronin
April 24th, 2011, 06:08 AM
Thanks Simon,
Taking the day off but will run through the camera and double check the profile for you tomorrow when I go back to my studio.
Paul Cronin
April 26th, 2011, 08:03 AM
Simon no changes to the last PP i sent.
Simon Denny
April 27th, 2011, 03:25 AM
Thanks mate,
Do you have the Noise Suppress on?
Also in the Operation page do you have access to the VF settings page?
I'm using the Sony Black and White VF (I forgot the model no) and the only access I have on the VF page is the VF Detail Level. Now I can see the other menus and these are greyed out. I'm wondering if I need the Colour VF to activate these. This seems weird to me.
Oh and also I can't access the histogram.
Paul Cronin
April 27th, 2011, 05:55 AM
Simon I have noise suppress on. I sent you and up date in an email. I think there were a few changes and don't know when I did them. Also my master black is at 0 and I can't change it.
My VF settings are also grayed out and I have the C35W VF. Most of what I need is on the VF for adjustments.
I have not looked for the histogram since zebras are my exposure tool of choice.
Simon Denny
April 27th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Thanks mate,
Got the email