View Full Version : BBC article on "West Wing Week" (White House video blog)

Colin McDonald
April 23rd, 2011, 02:03 AM
"For decades, US presidents have had stills photographers to capture key events, while military videographers have also filmed set-piece moments. But Mr Chaudhary is the first official White House videographer.
He goes on about two-thirds of the president's trips, sharing a similar level of access as Pete Souza, the official White House photographer".

Apparently there is sometimes resentment from photographers, and others question the value for money.
Now where have we heard that before?

BBC News - Barack Obama's shadow - the man who films the president (

Gary Nattrass
April 26th, 2011, 09:04 AM
I would happily do this job for free if our glorious leader would like me to, of course all material shot would remain in my copyright and my property! ;0)

Hmmm doesn't seem to suit them when it's that way round does it?