Jennifer Graves
August 17th, 2005, 12:28 PM
Do you purchase a cd, do you pay per song from a site online? If you get it online, do you have a site you recommend? I'm looking for stuff particularly for intro's to the dvd.....
View Full Version : Where do you get your royalty free music? Jennifer Graves August 17th, 2005, 12:28 PM Do you purchase a cd, do you pay per song from a site online? If you get it online, do you have a site you recommend? I'm looking for stuff particularly for intro's to the dvd..... Richard Alvarez August 17th, 2005, 01:55 PM Jen Google "Royalty Free Music" and then wade in. It's a deep pool. Most sites will let you 'preview' the music before buying. Most sell sets, OR singles. Read their licensing agreements CAREFULLY. Here's where they differ. Some allow limited NUMBERS of replications, some limit specific areas, most have sliding scales depending on use. Some companies are royalty free 'buy out'. Others are 'needle drop' libraries. I just bought two nice pieces from PRODUCTIONTRAX.Com (I think that's the url) Found what I needed, paid $100 bucks total for two pieces. Look around, it's a big wide royalty free world out there. Chris Harvey August 17th, 2005, 04:36 PM Jennifer, I have purchased and used royalty-free music from: (BackTraxx 2) Chris Pat Sherman August 17th, 2005, 04:49 PM Dewolfe Music KillerTrax Manhattan Music Productions All are good, I have mainly used Dewolfe since they have a HUGE library.. Then for the budget minded folks, Smart Sounds works as well.. Keep on eye on them since they announced some new product line upscaling their libraries to music along the same lines as the ones I mentioned above.. Steven Gotz August 17th, 2005, 07:02 PM I have a few links on my audio page: Arthur Babcock August 18th, 2005, 11:05 AM Wow, a deep pool indeed. I'm going to take a look at some of the resources mentioned above, but in the meantime I'll mention (deepening the pool even further) that I've had satisfactory dealings with and Arthur Matt Sawyers August 18th, 2005, 11:21 AM OOooo I am gonna have to take a look at these other links. But, here is the place I use: You can download and share their music for free and use it for PERSONAL use, but if you use it for commerical purposes you gotta pay up. Tony Stoll August 19th, 2005, 02:46 AM Dewolfe Music KillerTrax Manhattan Music Productions All are good, I have mainly used Dewolfe since they have a HUGE library.. Then for the budget minded folks, Smart Sounds works as well.. Keep on eye on them since they announced some new product line upscaling their libraries to music along the same lines as the ones I mentioned above.. Pat, How much does Dewolfe charge for the song or songs you use? How does that work? Pat Sherman August 19th, 2005, 02:56 AM Pat, How much does Dewolfe charge for the song or songs you use? How does that work? Well.. A lot of money.. A few years ago I got a 1 year agreement for around $500 bucks.. They base it off the number of CD's you choose and the type of work your in.. It's all negotiable.. Since then I use it for work now and our company pays for a annual blanket license for every library that DeWolfe has for much much more I can't imagine the costs.. I know it costs $500 a month to lease our mSoft server which houses all our production music...from killer, dewolfe, and many others.. DeWolfe has huge selections.. Manhattan Music productions has some good selections too.. they were like $450 a song for 1 time use in 1 production and only 1 time in the production.. But I had to have this one song.. :) John Marion December 24th, 2005, 07:19 PM For the last two years I have used Digital Juice: Back Traxx and Stack Traxx volumes 1-4. |