View Full Version : Need some shaking and motion blur correction tricks

Bob Costa
August 17th, 2005, 08:59 AM
I did a search and it seems that Vegas still does not have a de-shake tool, either in version 6 or as an add-in. I did see the solutions that required exporting to another program, but don't want to go that way.

I guess I can hand-keyframe every frame of a clip using the pan/crop tool to reduce shaking some (have not tried it yet).

I also figured out that some clips can use a velocity envelope to slow the shake motion down and give me the length I need, depending on the other action in the clip.

I have some 24p (on a 60i timeline) that has some background motion blur in it. I just screwed up the shot by moving camera too fast. It is only 2-3 seconds on the timeline, but slowing it down does not help for my needs. Any good tricks for rescuing it?

Any cool tools I missed for de-shaking things without exporting to another program? Or any other tricks I have not thought of yet?

Any hope of Vegas adding a de-shaker like some of the other NLE's ??

Devin Eskew
August 17th, 2005, 09:08 AM
I am sure Edward and a few others will be by shortly to give you some tips. I my experience it has been better to export to another program to de-shake. Vegas is not well suited to this task. Vegas does almost eveything else, but that is not one of them. Keyfames may be your best bet. How about making the shots "artistic" adding a little more blur, mabye saturate the color a little more? You may have to think outside of what you wanted to be able to use the footage

Edward Troxel
August 17th, 2005, 09:15 AM
I'll agree with Devin. You can try it manually but most end up exporting to some other program for this.

As for the future, who knows? If past is any indication, new features aren't announced until released. So there's no way of knowing if or when something of this nature might be included.

DJ Kinney
August 17th, 2005, 12:13 PM
There is a way (and Edward might be able to give some details) that VirtualDub filters can be used as Vegas plugins. I have done it, and my copy of Vegas can utilize ALL of the VD plugins, one of them being de-shaker.

Now, the first problem is that I don't remember the program that allows the bridge to be made, and I am away from my system and have been for the last month. Travelling....

The second problem is that I have never been able to figure out how to use the VirtualDub de-shaker!

But it's worth figuring out the bridge problem for the simple fact that virtualDub has some great effects and plugins.

Don Bloom
August 17th, 2005, 12:17 PM
Search for a program called Video Stabilizer. You can take a piece of footage-render to AVI and bring it in to the program-it rerenders to AVI so theres no loss and it does a decent job of smoothing out the footage.
I can't remember where I got it or how much it was though.


Bill Porter
August 17th, 2005, 12:46 PM
I just saw a recent post on how to run DeShaker in Vegas instead of in VirtualDub. Dig around and you'll find it.

Edward Troxel
August 17th, 2005, 01:05 PM
DJ, I think you might be talking about using WAX (at It will use some VirtualDub filters directly.

Tony Rockliff
August 17th, 2005, 02:38 PM
I recently had a project that needed 2 handheld sections smoothed out by DeShaker which did an excellent job (I frameserved from Vegas to Virtualdub). In comparing the before and after footage I noticed that the deshaken footage had lost a litte sharpness so I tried Sony's Unsharp mask on Medium and that handled it nicely.


Tony Rockliff
August 17th, 2005, 03:00 PM
After reading about Video Stabilizer above I downloaded the demo and tried it and found that the free DeShaker did a much better job on the same clip.