View Full Version : Wireless audio feed to monitor

Andy Balla
April 18th, 2011, 05:41 PM
Hi all. I was looking into the best way (wireless) to get an output from my mixer to the video monitor where the director and producer are watching a take happen. I'd like to have the option for them to hear the audio I'm hearing. For one this would eliminate them having to ask me whether a take sounded good, since they are hearing it themselves. When I call "bad for sound" after a take because a loud truck drove by outside, it would be nice if they heard the truck too, without me having to play back the audio for them. Can anyone point me in a direction about what I need to put together a system like this?

Steve Oakley
April 18th, 2011, 06:03 PM
any wireless mic setup should do for a single point to point, but what you are looking for is a ComTek system. transmitter with recievers designed to play into headphones. the most common sound mixer to director / those who need to listen wireless setup. rentals are very reasonable, used units are around too.

really they should trust you to call bad sound....

Andy Balla
April 18th, 2011, 06:19 PM
I agree about them trusting me to call a bad take, but I'm trying to cover my ass! Yes, the ComTek is what I'm looking for, though. Looking into both rentals and used units. Thanks a bunch!

Andy Balla
April 18th, 2011, 06:56 PM
Next question! My mixer has left and right 3 pin XLR outs, and a single 5 pin XLR out. Can I use the 5 pin XLR out to a feed for such a ComTek system, while still using the stereo 3 pin outs to connect to either a camera or my field recorder? I've got an email in to Coffey Sound asking this, but I thought I would check in here as well.

Rick Reineke
April 19th, 2011, 10:36 AM
Sure, Assuming the XLR-5 is iso'd, but you will need a custom cable. Coffee, Trew (or other pro-audio shop) can make this for you to work with a Comtek or other input.

Andy Balla
April 19th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the info, Rick! I'll see if Coffey gets back to me soon on this. I'm starting to see how this should work now. I'll have to check the specs of the mixer to see if this will work. By iso'd, I assume you mean isolated. I'm not sure I get the context, though. So the 3 pin left and right outs go to camera, say, and the 5 pin to a ComTek transmitter. I assumed the 5 pin out would pass a stereo signal to the Comtek while the 3 pin outs go to the camera or recorder at the same time. I'm also assuming the 5 pin will be the same signal as the 3 pins, just summed into one output. Correct me if I've got any of this wrong.

Rick Reineke
April 20th, 2011, 09:13 AM
Yes isolated, The left and right would need to be summed together, if you want to send both channels to the Comtek or other mono source. All of the 5-pin XLRs I've ever came across were line level, (+4dB) and on higher-end cameras. (not counting stereo mic output cables)
Just out of curiosity, which mixer has the XLR-5?

Andy Balla
April 20th, 2011, 09:43 AM
The mixer is a Twelco 3 channel mixer. The manual comes with a block diagram, so I'll find out more when I look at that. Its supposed to arrive today. I'm pretty sure it also has a 3.5 mm stereo out. Might be better to run that output for a ComTek?

Andy Balla
April 20th, 2011, 09:20 PM
The Twelco LP4 32 mixer I got today also has a 10 pin Hirose output and a 3.5 mm mini jack stereo out, as well as the two 3 pin XLR outs, and the single 5 pin XLR out.

Steve Oakley
April 20th, 2011, 10:48 PM
a XLR5 is stereo. what you could try is if there is a tape out 3.5mm and just jump the 2 hots together inside the cable and send that to the comtek. not ideal. but it should work ok. this is assuming that you are actually feeding different things L/R. if you are feeding mono, then either side will work.

you could also use the 2nd headphone jack + pad if it has 2 headphone jacks

Andy Balla
April 20th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Generally, I'd be running a boom to the right channel and a pair of lavs to the left channel. The mixer has a 1/4" and a 3.5 mm headphone jack. Lots of options, it seems. Not sure what the best one is, yet.