Jeff Goss
April 18th, 2011, 07:22 AM
My Sony FX7 recently began to throw the C:32:11 tape path error code. Will switching over to an external recording platform like the MRC1K let me bypass this error or will the camera still try to access the tape as well and throw the error, therefore blocking me from recording at all?
I plan to just record digitally with the camera from now and stop using tapes, but I guess I need to know if I have to fix the C:32:11 error first by sending it off to Sony (which is $$$). If I can just switch over to an external without fixing it though, I'd appreciate knowing.
Anyone familiar with this?
Rickey Brillantes
April 18th, 2011, 09:57 AM
As long as your firewire port is working properly and than yes you can record using the MRC1.
Adam Gold
April 18th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Just note that you will need to use the record buttons on the MRC, not the cam, because you won't have a tape inserted.
Jeff Goss
April 18th, 2011, 01:38 PM
Thanks to both of you. I'll try this out asap!
Adam Gold
April 18th, 2011, 01:45 PM
Also note there's no way to shut off that annoying flashing "no tape" icon.
Jeff Goss
April 28th, 2011, 03:58 PM
I got the MRC1 hooked up to the FX7 now. Ilink cable plugged in. The mrc1 is powered up, and I have a menu that is reading the CF card properly, it's reading no file and 0:00:00 time, etc, meaning no files are written etc. No matter what options or settings I use on the MRC1 though, I can't get the thing to record from the camera.
Any suggestions or basic steps? I've gone through the manual on the MRC1 and it tells you everything except the basics of starting out.
Adam Gold
April 28th, 2011, 04:27 PM
So I'm looking at my FX7 and MRC right now. On the FX7, is the upper right of the screen showing HDV OUT and the i.LINK icon?
On the MRC, are you sure you are pushing BOTH record buttons on the MRC, not on the cam? I just tried it on mine and it works fine.
If it doesn't work for you, I can only assume the error your cam is throwing is locking up the OS somehow. Can you check the FW output with your PC? Also, did you format the card in the MRC?
This is talked about on the bottom of page 10, although it is written in Sony-ese and it isn't clear that this is for when you are not using the tape/tape deck/rec button on the cam, only the MRC. And although it says CAM LINK must be OFF, this isn't true -- it works either way.
Jeff Goss
April 28th, 2011, 04:49 PM
Wow I'm a complete idiot for not pushing both record buttons.... Thanks a bunch! I totally never would have thought to do that and I can't find it anywhere in the manual.
LOL Much appreciation to you!
Adam Gold
April 28th, 2011, 04:57 PM
It's on Page 4: