View Full Version : Critique my new site?

Tim Kerigan
April 17th, 2011, 11:41 PM
So just finished building my site and looking for some feedback

Tim Kerigan - The Portfolio of Tim kerigan (

Known Problems:
Portfolio pages text doesn't work because it pulls the list as well as the description.
Images on main page look funny

Any thoughts? I left out an about me page, do you feel it should be there?

Oren Arieli
April 18th, 2011, 11:44 AM
It's got a good clean look. I like the blog interfaces because they are easy to navigate and customize. What do you hope to accomplish with the site? Is it for potential clients? If so, I would include more information on the benefits of each project you created. Maybe include some information on the services you offer, client testimonials, and your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). What makes you unique and worth calling? If you can point to three reasons, they probably can't find one reason to hire you over anyone else.
It's a tough market, so play up your strengths, whether it's price, speed, flexibility, services, connections..etc.

Tim Kerigan
April 18th, 2011, 05:23 PM
Right now it's just a portfolio. Still a student so just showing off my work. I'm working on a more concrete services page but not really sure what to put on it right now.