Tony Sutorius
November 15th, 2002, 03:55 AM
Gidday everyone,
I use an XL1 for professional production in conjunction with a range of pro audio equipment.
But ever since we've got it, the darn thing has been annoyingly hissy and noisy when recording through the external Audio One inputs at the menu preset "mic" or "mic -20" levels.
If I disconnect everything including the XLR adaptor from the camera, switch the menu preset level to "mic" and turn the level control half-way, I hear significant hiss through good quality headphones. If I turn the level all the way to full, the hiss gets seriously bad, registering clearly on the VU meters (bouncing up to -40dB, both channels)
I say "hiss" but the noise isn't actually that clean... sounds like electronic 'fizz'.
I've just sent the thing to Canon to fix this, but they've told me this is normal for the camera. I hope its not, because as things stand we can barely get away with the sound quality we're getting from plugging pro mics (eg. Sony ECM77B lapel mics) directly into the camera.
Could I ask other users to experiment with hiss levels (from Audio 1, no mics or XLR adaptor attached, "mic" menu preset) on their cameras and let me know what you experience?
You guys are my heros...
Tony Sutorius
Unreal Films
Wellington, New Zealand
I use an XL1 for professional production in conjunction with a range of pro audio equipment.
But ever since we've got it, the darn thing has been annoyingly hissy and noisy when recording through the external Audio One inputs at the menu preset "mic" or "mic -20" levels.
If I disconnect everything including the XLR adaptor from the camera, switch the menu preset level to "mic" and turn the level control half-way, I hear significant hiss through good quality headphones. If I turn the level all the way to full, the hiss gets seriously bad, registering clearly on the VU meters (bouncing up to -40dB, both channels)
I say "hiss" but the noise isn't actually that clean... sounds like electronic 'fizz'.
I've just sent the thing to Canon to fix this, but they've told me this is normal for the camera. I hope its not, because as things stand we can barely get away with the sound quality we're getting from plugging pro mics (eg. Sony ECM77B lapel mics) directly into the camera.
Could I ask other users to experiment with hiss levels (from Audio 1, no mics or XLR adaptor attached, "mic" menu preset) on their cameras and let me know what you experience?
You guys are my heros...
Tony Sutorius
Unreal Films
Wellington, New Zealand