Neil Richards
April 17th, 2011, 10:24 AM
Hi Everyone,
Another noob here, although I've been lurking since last year so I'm pleased finally to make everyone's acquaintance.
I mostly dabble in 3D with a 3DA1 so you'll probably find me loafing on the stereo forum a lot of the time, although I've got a GH2, a couple of Pannie 700's and a little Playsport I use for more normal HD stuff.
Another noob here, although I've been lurking since last year so I'm pleased finally to make everyone's acquaintance.
I mostly dabble in 3D with a 3DA1 so you'll probably find me loafing on the stereo forum a lot of the time, although I've got a GH2, a couple of Pannie 700's and a little Playsport I use for more normal HD stuff.