View Full Version : Fox announces BluRay DVD titles:
Yi Fong Yu August 16th, 2005, 09:46 PM
Feature Films
* Alien I-IV
* Die Hard Trilogy
* X-Men I & II
* I, Robot
* There's Something About Mary
* Moulin Rouge
* Sound of Music
* The Simpsons
* Family Guy
* 24
* The X-Files
* M*A*S*H
i'm getting the X-Files! =).
Greg Harris August 18th, 2005, 06:31 AM When will the blueRay or HD DVD players be out?? And how much do you guys expect them to cost?????
Yi Fong Yu August 18th, 2005, 10:20 AM a Toshiba HD-DVD player is supposed to debut sometime this fall (Nov?) costing $1,000. BluRay next year sometime (probably Nov) for $1,000 as well. Titles shold cost about $30-40 (like those laserdisc days) in the beginning and fall to $20 like DVDs soon after.
i'll probably do what i did back when DVD players first came out, buy a universal computer optical drive to playback BluRay or HD-DVD. hopefully a good h.264 card comes out by then.
Jesse Stipek August 19th, 2005, 06:00 PM Right on! That'll look awesome on my FX1. But by then, Ill probably be upgraded to one of the HVR units.
Christopher C. Murphy August 19th, 2005, 10:29 PM Cool!
Has anyone found out anything about the quality difference of these formats? If they are using codecs in the "spec" for HD-DVD and/or Blu-Ray I'm assuming that the end result will be exactly the same. Meaning if Die Hard is being released on Blu-Ray...if it ends up on HD-DVD because those guys win the war....does that mean that the quality should be exactly the same later on too?
Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005, 08:56 AM Hd-DVD has been delayed and Blu Ray will likely come out next spring with the PowerPC'd Playstation 3.
I'm annoyed that Die Hard, Aliens and Simpsons are going HD. I just bought two different versions of Die Hards and Aliens over the years on SD DVD. But I only have one season of the X-Files (first).
Yi Fong Yu September 11th, 2005, 04:47 PM the last i read about it, HD-DVD and BluRay both support the same codecs. that means that whether they go with 30GB dual layered HD-DVD or 50GB dual layered BluRay (or 100GB quad-layered), they can scale the bitrate&compression level of each codec to fit into each physical medium. that's how i see it.
Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005, 08:17 PM And all that adds up to spectacular DVD experience!
Christopher C. Murphy September 11th, 2005, 08:28 PM I just watched "The Deer Hunter" in HD. That's a damn good film. Deniro is the greatest actor of all time! Oh, that scene in Vietnam is amazing.
It'll be awesome when these classics are released in HD on DVD. I'm hoping for Blu-Ray - I want all the bits possible for quality and extras!
Heath McKnight September 11th, 2005, 09:38 PM I waited 3 years for DVDs to come out (1997 was a LONNNNG year, since they came out in the fall/winter) and the selections were about 20 movies, mostly WB and MGM (distributed by WB). I had to wait until Christmas 1998 to get a DVD player, and I bought BLADE as my first movie.
This time, I'm waiting to see which format wins out. Maybe both will and we'll just buy HD/Blu Ray DVD players.
Sergio Perez September 12th, 2005, 12:58 AM Blu ray wins, I believe. Why? Playstation 3. Even tough it looks like Microsoft might even the odds this genreation in therms of consoles, For the 40+ million PS2's out there, there should be, probably 20 million blu-ray players sold for certain in the same period of time (considering a possible market share split with microsoft).
With videogames going mainstrem, I believe the winning delivery medium, being blu-ray built-in on the ps3, to be blu-ray.
Now if Microsoft had planed earlier and built a hd-dvd player on the 360, that would have been a completely different story...
Christopher C. Murphy September 12th, 2005, 05:06 AM I'm getting pretty jazzed about all this!
Does anyone else check all the DVD sites for new releases? I do that every week...I can't wait to start checking for classic Blu-Ray's coming out!!
Nick Hiltgen September 12th, 2005, 07:17 AM Season 6 of the x-files in HD? OH my gosh... I need a new pair of underwear. The family guy all in HD? well, that's still cool, I wonder if they'll re release "wonderfalls" in HD, I'd totally buy those DVD's again.
The movies I'm semi excited about, but I suppose it would be ncie to see X-men, and the die hard trilogy in HD.
Yi Fong Yu September 12th, 2005, 08:42 AM i was thinking more along the lines of season1 of the XF. i have the DVD and it looks terrible.
Rob Lohman September 13th, 2005, 04:01 AM When I was at IBC visiting the Sonic stand they had their new product (I believe
still in development) called something like "Blu-Ray Creator" on demo. They
actually had an I Robot project in there. Perhaps it was the real deal. I saw
the menu for it and when you hit play it would show a popup with two options.
One of them was "play normal" and the other I can't remember. Sounds like it
might have some special feature with different playing options.
They also had a HD-DVD version of their top of the line product Scenarist on
display but I didn't get to see anything with that (no time).
Nick Hiltgen September 13th, 2005, 11:54 AM Hey rob nice tag line.
I also just picked up the fox show (though it looks like it was originally made or distributed by universal) House M.D. The show is great but the DVD's are awful as they have only 16:9 but it's pillar boxed and then letter boxed on 16:9 screens... sooo annoying. Maybe when that show get's released on blue ray they'll do it right.
Harrison Murchison September 14th, 2005, 01:08 PM The link given doesn't prove that Fox has announced anything.
To receive support from a major studio like Fox is especially good for Sony, who's PlayStation 3 console also uses the format, which can store 25GB on a single layer and 50GB on dual-layer discs. Blu-ray's rival, HD DVD, can hold a maximum of 30GB on a dual-layered disc; conventional DVDs have a maximum dual-layered capacity of 9GB.
HD-DVD supports a tripple layer disc for 45GB of playback video as well.
Fox have an expansive back-catalogue of feature films and television series to draw from, encompassing a wide range of genres and subject matter. The press release specifically listed the following titles as examples.
But this doesn't equate to announcing titles. An announcement of titles should give us a date and pricing for said titles. This is definitely not an announcement of Blu-Ray titles.
Yi Fong Yu September 14th, 2005, 01:50 PM i wanna see ONE film (like Return of the King Extended) with a larger bit-rate 1080p spread over 4 layers of BluRay (100GB). now THAT would be somn to see =).
Rob Lohman September 15th, 2005, 01:33 PM Nick: did you mean my "wonderfalls" line? I just changed it. Sorry :)