Eduardo Mayen
November 14th, 2002, 08:25 PM
I have been altering the hue of DV recently. White balancing to magenta to get green and to red to get blue. There seems to be no subtractive color logic to it. What should I do if I want a red hue. Will a red hue create some sort of noise, just because its red?
Jeff Donald
November 14th, 2002, 08:41 PM
It's referred to as Color Balance. It has the elements of both additive and subtractive color. Your pairs are Cyan - Red, Magenta - Green, Yellow - Blue. It is usually shown as a six pointed star. The colors I paired above go on opposite points of the star. To obtain a red or a warmer hue, white balance to cyan.
Andre De Clercq
November 15th, 2002, 10:25 AM
For the logic behind white balancing, just keep in mind that white balancing just tries to make the image (chart..) where you point your camera to, to become neutral gray (or white). So, if yr cam sees a magenta chart (additive combination of red and blue), in order to make this look white it needs green added (additive) because adding up (additive)equal amounts of R and B and G result in white. The higher amount of green which yr cam generates in the above example results in a greenish hue when pointed at a normal scene.
Jeff Donald
November 15th, 2002, 06:45 PM
Here is a short and concise explanation of color theory