View Full Version : Customer friendly avi's from HDlink - time crunch

Jeff Harper
April 8th, 2011, 06:42 PM
I need to transcode avchd files for a customer to edit themselves. The avi's that I produced with NeoScene would have worked just fine, however now that I am using HDlink the files are different and not so user friendly.

In Vegas I have no problem with the HDlink files, but my customer uses god knows what, and I don't want to have to walk them through this, I want it to be simple for them.

I'm referring to the the avis not playing in the proper aspect ration in WMP, and appearing on the timeline "looking funny" as well.

In addition I have a friend for whom I shot a wedding. I also need to convert wedding footage for him as well, with the same potential issue. He edits in an old version of Pinnacle, so he also will need files that are good to go "as is".

Can anyone suggest settings to accomplish this?

David Newman
April 8th, 2011, 06:54 PM
NeoScene and HDlink AVI files are the same. Sounds like the other users is having issue with non-square pixels. With HDlink you could make the file square for him/her. Interlaced can also be a headache for the novice (well for everyone really -- I don't touch the stuff.) You could deinterlace and scale to 1280x720 with HDLink and that works great everywhere.

Jeff Harper
April 8th, 2011, 08:33 PM
I don't know David, when I first used HDlink trial, the avis played 4:3 in WMP, not 16:9 and were squished looking. Someone told me this was normal. In Vegas same thing, till I changed properties to 1.2121 in the Project Media window.

When I purchased Neoscene last week, the avis played and looked fine. Now with HDlink conversion same thing as before, the files look squished in WMP.

I am looking for a 1280x720 option, but so far it's eluding me.

Jeff Harper
April 8th, 2011, 08:44 PM
OK, I feel dumb, I just needed to scroll through the drop down box for settings...