View Full Version : Does the Canon 5D2 mov files have Time & Date of Recording Meta Data?

Craig Turner
April 7th, 2011, 11:59 PM
Hi All.

I have been trying to find an answer to this online for a while now but am yet to even find anyone who has questioned it, but I'm wondering if The Canon 5D mark 2 embeds recording time and date metadata in the mov files like it does for jpeg images.

You can work it out from "date created" for the file but this is lost as soon as you copy and paste the files.

Can you only view this info through certain software? is it a 5D limitation? is does mov simply not support such information like jpegs?

If for nothing else this would be very handy for finding and sorting large numbers of archive mov video clips.

Have tried through windows, premiere and even adobe bridge without any luck.

Its interesting that you can even get this out of tape based HDV footage but not from a file based recording system.

Anyone have any ideas?

Cheers guys.


Nigel Barker
April 8th, 2011, 12:52 AM
For each .MOV file recorded there is a matching .THM file. This is a little .JPG file that contains all the EXIF information like date & time, aperture, ISO etc The Canon EOS Movie Plugin-E1 for Final Cut Pro uses this to add timecode to the video imported using Log & Transfer. However as far as I know there is no other application that uses the metadata contained in the .THM files. It can be viewed by using an EXIF viewer but unfortunately there is no automatic way of associating this metadata with the video clip.

Charles W. Hull
April 8th, 2011, 05:30 PM
The software that comes with the 5DMkII, Zoom Browser, displays all of the metadata.

Craig Turner
April 11th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Thanks Guys

That does make sence that it is the THM files, i noticed they could be opend as jpeg but didn't think that the meta data would be attached, I thought they must be for display on the 5D LCD or something, shame I have deleted so many.

Just tested Zoom browser, yep confirm, it shows all the data.


Craig Turner.

Harry Simpson
April 28th, 2011, 10:33 AM
I noticed that if I directly link the camera to my computer's usb and copy files over from the camera, only MOV files end up on the computer.

But when I stick the CF card in a reader and plug that into the computer I get both the MOV and the THM files.


Justin Molush
April 28th, 2011, 12:02 PM
I have the same question but I would need timecode info for footage on 7D to synch with footage from a JVC - It would help my workflow a LOT on some footage for events if I could auto synch on different video channels and slice accordingly.

Osmany Tellez
April 28th, 2011, 04:04 PM
that is good to know...i sometimes want to know what settings i know what iso or f-stop works better when etc.


Steve Oakley
April 29th, 2011, 04:03 PM
try QTchange from videotoolshed. it will use the mov creation date / time or THM metadata to set a proper TC track within the mov itself. yes its ToD TC, but thats as good as it gets for now, unless you want to run TC onto an audio track.